The Guardian - 30.08.2019

(Michael S) #1

Section:GDN 1N PaGe:26 Edition Date:190830 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 29/8/2019 20:00 cYanmaGentaYellowb

  • The Guardian Friday 30 Aug ust 2019

(^26) National
Drop in jail population forecast
as fewer face criminal charges
Aamna Mohdin
The number of prisoners in England
and Wales is projected to fall in the
short term because fewer people are
being charged with criminal off ences.
The prison population was initially
expected to rise in the short term , but
fi gures from the Ministry of Justice
show it is likely instead to decrease in
the next two years, to a low of 81,000
by April 2021.
Last year the MoJ estimated there
would be 86,400 people in jail in
March 2023, but its latest prediction
is that there could be 4,000 fewer by
June that year.
This month, Boris Johnson
Education unions push
for schools and special
needs funding boost
Sally Weale
Education correspondent
Furious last minute lobbying for
additional funding for schools,
colleges and pupils with special educa-
tional needs and disabilities (S end) is
under way in the run-up to next week’s
spending review.
Leaders of the biggest teaching
unions had an hour-long meeting
yesterday with the education secre-
tary, Gavin Williamson , and made their
case for more money for struggling
schools as part of a long-term plan.
Letters have also been sent to the
Department for Education (DfE) and
the Treasury, seeking extra funding for
special needs and post-16 education.
Sectarian secret
behind gift of mansion
in Northern Ireland
Page 33 
Earlier this week the Guardian
revealed confi dential plans by the
government for a raft of education
measures including billions of pounds
in funding, a crackdown on student
behaviour and a further wave of free
schools, due to be announced in time
for the start of the new school year.
Williamson told union leaders he
would not comment on the document,
which included plans for an extra
£2.8bn for primary and secondary
schools up to the age of 16, including
£800m for children with S end. Details
of an extra £800m for sixth form and
further education colleges were said to
be under discussion with the Treasury.
Williamson said: “I’m looking
forward to working with all our edu-
cation unions on our shared goal of

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