Daily Mail - 30.08.2019

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Page 62 Daily Mail, Friday, August 30, 2019

Landline calls cost 80p a minute, plus your phone company’s access charge.
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they know more
about what’s going on than someone else.
But, do they know what you know? And, if
they know more, will they tell you? Or, if the
other person shares their information with
you, will you both know more? Confused?
You’re not the only one! Yet this scenario
demonstrates the futility of asking too
many complex questions. You’ve been
treading very carefully around an
important matter. Under the powerful New
Moon, you can be more confident.
Welcome to September! Your powerful
prediction for the month is ready. For
inspiring insight, call 0906 751 5601.

how brusque
we might sometimes be, we can all be
over-polite. We all have a tendency to
overthink how others see us and play out
complicated strategies in our heads ... ‘if they
say this, and I say that, then this might
happen, and then they’ll do that, and we will
end up in an awkward social stalemate...’
While these kinds of calculations aren’t always
damaging, there’s certainly such a thing as
over-analysing the situation. There’s no need
to apologise for who you are. Remember
that, today. Your in-depth, new September
forecast could be one of the most rewarding
calls you ever make. Call 0906 751 5602.

are hard to joke about. But, when we make
something ‘taboo’, we give it a dangerous
sort of power. Laughter breaks through
pretentiousness and dissipates anxiety.
Under the powerful New Moon, it’s worth
taking a look at the things in your life that
aren’t funny. When we find humour, even
irony, in our difficulties, we disempower
them and find a way to move forward. In
this positive cosmic climate, you’ll find a
reason to smile about something that’s
been causing you stress. It’s September! For
uplifting news on how the month holds exciting
opportunities for you, call 0906 751 5603.

been asking
yourself searching questions. It seems you can
only be confident that you know what you’re
doing if you’re able to justify your decisions. At
least, that’s what you think. And this isn’t the
only factor making you re-evaluate. But don’t
assume that uncertainty is proof that you’ve

made a mistake. Intuition is always obscure
and intangible. Even though you don’t
understand how your instincts are influencing
you, under this powerful New Moon
you should follow them. To hear valuable
information about the changes you
can implement in September, call your
month-ahead forecast: 0906 751 5604.
WHEN you’re on
a rollercoaster
ride you need to be ready for just about
anything. The experience could be about to
get much better (as you get to the bottom
of a slope), but the relief is immediately
followed by a loop-the-loop. It becomes
hard to predict which is worse; the
anticipation of the high-speed descent or
the event itself. The powerful New Moon
marks the end of a chaotic period in your
life. Something that’s been uncertain is
about to become clear. A sense of certainty
will bring a sense of relief. September will be
an exciting month. Take advantage of the
exciting cosmic climate. Call 0906 751 5605.
WHEN you’re
trying to
find your way through a physical maze, you
know that there’s a centre somewhere, and
that when you reach it, you’ll be able to begin
the return journey to the exit. Moral mazes
are more complicated, though. The more
time you spend thinking about the possible
routes towards your goal, the more
convoluted it becomes. With Mercury, Mars,
Venus and the New Moon in your sign, your
abilities to think deeply are being acutely
enhanced. With patience, you’ll find the
answer you seek. A new month! An exciting
astrological picture. A forecast that could
transform your life! Call 0906 751 5606.


depends on you.
Or, at least, that’s how it feels. In this cloud
of tension and responsibility, you desperately
want to do what’s ‘right’. The problem is
that it’s not obvious what that ‘right thing’
is. Yet a conclusion must be reached ... and
soon. Though you may not be fully conscious
of the solution, in your heart you know what
to do. So, in order to act with complete and
utter conviction this weekend, follow your
gut instinct. It’s being empowered by the
New Moon and won’t lead you astray.
September is due to be amazing! For four
minutes of news that could change your life,
pick up the phone! Call 0906 751 5607.
to have the answers. That’s why we elect
them; so that they can lead us, and take us
forward in a positive and healthy direction.
When they appear uncertain, or weak, we see
them as failures. Sometimes, it seems that
we’d rather have a fool in charge ... as long
as they determinedly stick to their agenda.
Yet there are times when being able to
admit to being unsure, and asking for other
people’s advice, is the wisest course of action.
Don’t be afraid to do that this weekend.
For encouraging news about what
September holds for you, call your
month-ahead forecast: 0906 751 5608.
of staring at something for hours, you’re no
closer to seeing what you’re looking at.
That’s because you’re viewing it from the
wrong perspective. You’re too close and, as
a result, failing to see the bigger picture.
Try taking a step back. If that’s not a physical

possibility, try to take a mental step back,
instead. This doesn’t mean ‘giving up’, or
‘turning away’. It’s the only way to accurately
understand a tricky situation. Soon, the
penny will drop and bring a world of inspiring
possibilities. There’s so much to tell you
about September, and you’re going to like it!
Do yourself a favour. Call 0906 751 5609.
Flute? The exact type or sound of the instrument
is irrelevant. All that matters is that you’re
most certainly being played. So, why are
you letting this happen? Does a certain
individual have some kind of hold over you?
Do you feel a sense of duty towards them?
And, if you owe them a debt, at what point
can you consider it to have been repaid?
You’re not bound to accept injustice, and
should never allow yourself to be driven by
fear. Be bold enough to make a change this
weekend. Make your dreams come true
in September! Call your four-minute,
in-depth forecast: 0906 751 5610.
you face a
challenging situation, you’re not facing it
alone. You have emotional and physical
support. Although, in your dreams, you’d
like the equivalent of the cavalry riding to
your rescue, there’s certainly enough
encouragement and help on hand for you
to sort things out. It’s just that there are
times when you’d like to be living with a
rock solid sense of security and are seeking
a way to find it. Under the New Moon, you
can tap into a much deeper well of trust.
Even if you don’t usually call your in-depth
phone forecast, there’s excellent news in your
September prediction. Call 0906 751 5611.
IT’S not easy
to throw stones
if you live in a house of glass; everyone is able
to see you doing it! Even though you’re
surrounded by bricks and mortar, you’re
drawing a lot of attention. The New Moon
and a plethora of planets in your opposite
sign indicate that a great deal of attention is
being placed on you. Although this is good for
your self-esteem, you are beginning to
wonder just what people are seeing in you
and wondering if you’re giving the right
impression. Stop worrying! Be yourself.
September holds great potential for positive
change. Find out how to make this a
month to remember. Call 0906 751 5612.

TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21

CANCER June 23 - July 23

LEO July 24 - Aug 23

VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23

LIBRA Sep 24 - Oct 23

SCORPIO Oct 24 - Nov 22

SAGITTARIUS Nov 23 - Dec 21

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20

AQUARIUS Jan 21 - Feb 19

PISCES Feb 20 - Mar 20

GEMINI May 22 - June 22

ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 20





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To order the Fred Basset Yearbook 2019, £8.99, or The Best of Fred Basset, £14.99, visit http://www.mailbookshop.co.uk or call 0844 571 0640.

THE Blue New Moon is here,
and it has brought its friends
to join the party. The Sun and
Moon converge for the
second time in August, and
with both Mars and Venus
soon to form Grand Trines
with Uranus and Saturn, it

suggests that a fundamental
shift is under way. Saturn’s
harmonious connections
suggest it’s possible to
make ‘hard’ look easy.
Especially if, as Mercury gets
involved, we use brains as
well as brawn!

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Kay’s specialism was
obstetrics, chosen
partly because he ‘liked
that in obstetrics you
end up with twice the
number of patients you
started with’.
However, the reality
was anything but
life-enhancing. Whether
he is describing Eiffel
syndrome, common in
patients with foreign
objects lodged where
they shouldn’t be (‘I
fell, doctor! I fell!’), or

the terrible names
people inflict on their
babies (Lesanya,
pronounced ‘lasagne’),
Kay is laceratingly funny.
But just beneath the
comic surface is a
devastating account
of the frustration and
exhaustion of a junior
doctor’s life.
No wonder readers
at book signings ask
him for two copies —
one for themselves,
and one for the
Health secretary!




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