Daily Mirror - 30.08.2019

(Michael S) #1

(^46) DAILY MIRROR FRIDAY 30.08.2019
■ It leaves a sour taste to
watch Bury FC – one of
the oldest clubs in British
football – go to the wall
when the Premier
League is awash with
money. Players on
ludicrous six-figure
salaries for kicking a ball,
FA fatcats sitting in ivory
towers contemplating
their next payout, foreign
owners and speculators
milking thousands of
pounds from the game –
and nobody does
anything about it.
All Premier League
clubs should pay 10% of
their income to the lower
leagues to avoid this
happening, and the FA
should hold a rigorous
inquiry into firms wishing
to buy clubs. How many
more clubs will go the
same way as Bury before
somebody wakes up?
R Tandy, Liverpool
■ What exactly is it going
to take for fracking
company Cuadrilla stop
its search for gas? Has
someone’s house got to
be swallowed up in an
earthquake? Our earth is
fragile, so stop abusing it
for the sake of profit.
Steve Henshall
High Peak, Derbys
■ Stop paying these
money-grabbing peers
for just turning up to the
House of Lords and let
them live on what they
have earned. This money
would pay for a lot of TV
licences for the over-75s.
Arnold Bailey, Barnsley
Bury loss
a disgrace
voted Leave or Remain – it shouldn’t
even matter if you support a no-deal
Brexit. Those who supported leaving
the EU waxed lyrical about “taking
back control”. This is not taking back
control, this is a coup.
Delys Wallace, Bradford
■ Suspending Parliament is a
step towards dictatorship as MPs
are the British people’s elected
representatives. All of us, whatever
our views, should resist this. This is
about much more than Brexit – the
future of our democracy is at stake.
Kevin Sullivan, Swansea
■ Finally, some action from the
Government. This is the only way to
allow the PM to go into negotiations
without his hands tied. Boris wants
to leave with a deal, but while he has
his hands held back by the likes of
Anna Soubry, Margaret Beckett and
Philip Hammond trying to take no
deal off the table, Boris has no
chance of any kind of agreement.
Those spouting about democracy
should take note when it ended –
when MPs blocked every move to
carry out the will of the majority
expressed in the 2016 referendum.
Dave Croucher, Doncaster
South Yorks
■ These are dark days for
British democracy. If Johnson
gets his way then any future
government could use
similar tactics to snuff out
any form of democracy. We
urgently need a written
Graham Crawford
Medway, Kent
■ Unfortunately, democracy
has been replaced in the
UK by a dictatorship. Johnson
is simply doing what he
likes while Donald Trump
cheers him on. This is an
absolute disgrace.
Lee Gratty, Orkney
Boris ‘coup’ points
to a dictatorship
■ SO, the Queen has agreed to
Johnson’s request to suspend
Parliament until October 14, thereby
enabling his disastrous attempt to
crash the UK out of the EU by giving
MPs less time to offer an alternative.
This is what you get when you
have an arrogant PM, one imbued
with a right to govern engendered by
the usual trajectory of entitlement
acquired via Eton and Oxford.
Aided by an archaic unwritten
constitution, he may well succeed in
doing more damage to the wellbeing
of the UK than any other PM in living
memory, and of course that includes
Thatcher. I wonder how many of
those who voted Leave would have
done so had they known the mess
that would result.
Paul Greaves
Mexborough, South Yorks
■ Boris Johnson has shown his true
colours with his plans to suspend
Parliament. The 48.1% who voted
Remain in 2016 don’t matter in the
eyes of the Tory grandees threatened
by the rise of Nigel Farage’s Brexit
Party. If Parliament can’t save our
democracy it’s up to us to stand up
and fight. Through the centuries
it has been a model followed
by many countries. It’s worth
fighting for, if necessary, so
come on, Brits, let’s set an
example to the world
instead of being a
laughing stock.
Eddie Fidler, Oxford
■ Let me be clear, this is
not just about Brexit.
Boris Johnson’s
Government is planning
to rip apart the final shreds
of democracy we have left.
It doesn’t matter whether you
PM Boris Johnson has been accused of
plotting a coup and plunging Britain into a
constitutional crisis after he prorogued
Parliament until October 14, meaning
MPs are unlikely to have time to stop the
UK crashing out of the EU without a deal. You say...
Yo u s ay
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of Britain’s big talking points. You can have
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Pub quiz
No. Democracy is in
meltdown and Labour is
talking about animal
rights. They need to get
their priorities right.
No. Corbyn will say or
do anything to try to get
Ye s.
I hope they are
successful in stopping
the abuse of animals.
The suffering they
endure is disgusting.
Yes. This is one Labour
manifesto commitment I
support. There have been
alternatives to animal
testing for years.
Ye s. S i nc e hu m a n
beings have rights this
must mean other
sentient animals have
them also.
Labour plans to review jockeys’ use of whips as
part of its animal welfare manifesto, which
would also include bans on trophy-hunting
imports, lab tests and shock collars.
Do you back
Labour’s animal
welfare manifesto?
Ye s.
Using animals for lab
tests is cruel, degrading
and inefficient.
■ It’s great to have Who Wants To Be A
Millionaire? back on ITV. It’s one of
my favourite programmes and
always makes for brilliant
entertainment. Jeremy Clarkson,
left, may not be everyone’s cup of
tea as host, but I think he’s doing a
fantastic job and has made the show his
own. I love his no-nonsense style and the new format
has made it more watchable. Well done, Jeremy!
Sean Hood, Hayle, Cornwall
■ What a difference good presenters make. When
BBC2’s The Great Interior Design Challenge was
presented by Tom Dyckhoff with judges Daniel
Hopwood, Sophie Robinson and Kelly Hoppen, it had a
buzz of excitement. Now copycat Interior Design
Masters has Fearne Cotton at the helm whose
knowledge could be written on the back of a stamp.
Gordon Trievnor, Uxbridge, Greater London
Graham Scaife, 50, has been
missing from Harrogate, North
Yorks, since August 1. If you
think you can help the search,
please call Missing People.
Graham, we would love to hear from you.
Call. Text. Anytime. Free. Confidential. 116 000.
Registered Charity No. 1020419

  1. Theodore ‘Teddy’

  2. Lace-making

  3. 50

  4. Horse

  5. Portuguese

of the day
Presenter Rylan
Clark-Neal on the new
series of Supermarket
Sweep starting on
September 9...
@Rylan – Some
facts about
*20 episodes/ on every
weeknight *Actual @
jenniemcalpine on
tannoy *The inflatables
are back! *New
checkout assistants
BACK *A few guests
along the way *Real
products * All products
are donated to food
banks every few days

Let Christine be

‘Lorraine’ full time
I agree with Mark Carpenter about Holly
Willoughby and Phillip Schofield being on
telly too much (Your Voice, August 28).
But they’re not the only ones. I think
Lorraine Kelly has served her time on
breakfast TV and Christine Lampard
should take over. It’s been a pleasure
having her on – she’s bubbly, warm,
genuine and has an infectious laugh.
V Price, Birmingham

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