Super Street – October 2019

(Jeff_L) #1


They say if you do something you love,
you’ll never work a day in your life. This
may not be true in all cases, but Jag Matto may
have found the best compromise. The full-time
attorney and avid sports car aficionado is
engulfed by two passions: defending people
with criminal and traffic court cases, and
releasing his tensions and inner inhibitions by
driving this insane Porsche 996 Turbo. Life
isn’t so bad after all...
Before Jag moved to Seattle to study law,
he lived in the U.K. working in stereo shops
and keeping an eye out for cars, craning his
neck out of windows to catch the last glimpse
of something terrific—a feeling we all know
too well. Though aggressive driving was

customary in Jag’s home country, receiving 10
speeding tickets in his first six months of living
in the States told him things might be a little
different in America.
Stifled by the law he defended, he
couldn’t drive like he wanted, but there was
nothing stopping him from having the very
definition of aggression built into his 911. At
the time, however, the only company that
made performance parts for Porsches of that
generation was Evolution Motorsports. The
company had several stages, all of which Jag
installed, but beyond that his Porsche was
comprised of custom parts and a prayer. The
route included (among other things) some
head studs that were only “slightly” beefed up.


WORDS Rushton Skinner
PHOTOS Daniel Piker
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