GoGirl Worldwide Magazine – August 2019

(lu) #1

22 | AUGUST 2019


nspired by another
traveling tot,
professional jet-setters and
self-professed adventure-
seeking couple, Joby and
Stephanie Weeks, wanted
their newborn baby girl to
not only experience first-
hand as much of the world
as humanly possible, but
be the baby who would
give back.

Meet little Liberty. She’s probably the
world’s youngest cosmopolitan, world-class
traveler, having successfully visited 50 states
within the first 43 days of her brand-new life.
The youngest recipient of the 2020 edition
of the All Fifty States Club, proud parents,
Joby, 38, and Stephanie, 37 – ardent investors
in the cryptocurrency (bitcoin), new energy
technology, and nutritional supplement
spaces, respectively – never imagined
such an ambitious achievement for their
newest family member. After all, the mere
thought of contemplating such a seemingly
painstaking pursuit would send most first-
time parents flying into a state of perpetual
anxiety tinged with unrelenting disquiet.
Read: the trials and tribulations of TSA
mixed with a restless infant on a cramped,
overbooked flight. Enough said.
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