GoGirl Worldwide Magazine – August 2019

(lu) #1


A few weeks prior to giving birth to Liberty,
Stephanie had read about the amazing story
of Harper Yeats, the Canadian baby girl who
had broken a world record by traveling to
all 50 of the United States within the first
5 months of her life. About to burst at
the seams with little Liberty, a 9-months
pregnant Stephanie would find herself
ruminating (and ruminating and ruminating)
on Harper’s inspiring story – obviously more
than she had planned.

A GoBaby is Born

And, so on October 22nd in Galveston,
Texas, baby Liberty was born at home via
two midwives, a doula, two doctors, and all
under the supervision of veteran politician
Dr. Ron Paul (yes, THE Ron Paul). Like they
say, there’s no rest for the weary, because
within a short 24 hours, Stephanie had
readily packed a few bags stuffed to the
brim with baby basics, like bottles, blankies,
diapers, onesies, and other baby must-have’s
and she and little Liberty hit the open road
in a rented RV headed for Cedar Rapids to
meet her excited grandparents for the first
time. With Joby off on another business
excursion, Stephanie had a lot of drive time
ahead of her – and a lot of time to reflect.
It was during this new mom-and-new
baby road trip that got Stephanie seriously
considering crushing Harper’s roving record.
Having continually traveled the world for
both work and pleasure, this wouldn’t exactly
be an impossible feat, plus the wanderlust-
ing Weeks could introduce Liberty to all
their family and friends all over the country
along the way. Seemed like a sensible
plan. Though Joby initially had reservations
about his newborn baby girl embarking

on voyaging all over the country, plus not
exactly digging undergoing yet another
cross-country road trip, it didn’t take long for
him to get on board – literally! The goal was
50 states in 50 days. They had this!

Weeks and Weeks of Wanderlust
Stephanie and Joby have been traveling
all over the world nonstop for more than
a decade. Having crossed off one bucket
list landmark and adventurous expedition
after another, the globetrotting twosome
has managed to visit 1,241 cities and 152
countries, most of which are eloquently
documented on weeksabroad.com.
Incredibly, they hadn’t spent more than a
week ANYWHERE in the past 11 years! While
95% of their continuous travel is business-
based, they don’t forget to sprinkle in a little
sightseeing here, back-packing there, and
bike-riding over there, excitedly engrossing
themselves in a variety of different cultures,
lifestyles, and customs.
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