GoGirl Worldwide Magazine – August 2019

(lu) #1

24 | AUGUST 2019

The Weeks’ motive for the mobile life is the
invaluable education one receives when
immersing oneself in different cultures
and lands – one that a formal education
simply cannot offer. Exposure to real-life
experiences, enriching diversity, different
languages, feasting on exotic foods, and
interacting with interesting people offers
unique perspectives, compassion, and global
awareness – all lifelong values they wish to
instill in little Liberty. And, all without getting
stuck in the proverbial rut and routine-on-
repeat way of life. Every day is different
and there is no rush - just savoring every
second of their blessed life is what means
most to Joby and Stephanie. Plus, countless
mementos, keepsakes, and tokens depicting
all their travels await little Liberty to cherish
as she grows up.

Mission Possible

The Weeks trek virtually daily, either by air,
rail, ship, car, and even submarine! Having
recently purchased a private plane to avoid
the woes and worries of journeying with an
infant, like standing in long lines in the TSA
and contending with exasperating fellow
travelers, Joby insists traveling by car or rail
are really the best ways to soak up as much
of the splendor and stunning imagery of the
land. “Rather than reading about Greece –
go there...Our motto is go everywhere and
do everything,” Joby tells The Gazette. We
must mention, in a modest attempt to offset
their continuous carbon footprint – and the
side-eye glare from aggressive environmental
activists – the Weeks mindfully purchased a
prodigious hemp farm.

Texas congressman, libertarian icon, and

obstetrician by trade, Ron Paul, which Joby
was a staunch supporter, was personally
requested to attend the birth of Liberty,
hence her free-spirited name. This being
one of the innumerable globetrotting
tales, all accompanied by captivating
photographs, memorabilia, and Instagram-
worthy videos filled with world-famous,
historical landmarks and famous figures,
like fellow serial investor and airline tycoon
Richard Branson and others.

Assiduous purveyors of health, fitness, and
wellness, the Weeks depend on nutrition-
packed supplements to fuel their jetlag-
filled flights, road trips, rail rides, and other
adventurous escapades – even baby Liberty
gets child-safe supplements crushed in the
contents of her bottle, unbeknownst to the
wee wanderlust-er. Thus, the other goal for
the world-bound, record-breaking baby. In
all the countries and cites the Weeks visit,
little Liberty gets to spend some time with
orphaned children. Before Liberty was born,
Joby had been involved with an exclusive
nutrition product line, and so a portion of
those proceeds go to children in orphanages
all around the world. The mission is to wipe
out malnutrition in every child, a worldwide
epidemic that can be completely and
easily eradicated. The Weeks are steadfast
crusaders in helping humanity to break free
from disease, the debilitating banking/debt
structure, commercialized electricity, and
pediatric malnutrition, just to name a few.

A Benevolent Baby Serves up
Some Sweet Support

Having realized a lot of their friends, family,
and social media fans from all corners of
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