GoGirl Worldwide Magazine – August 2019

(lu) #1


she regularly
speaks to
audiences as
large as 10,000
people all over
the world.

Prior to dipping
her curious
toes into the
mysterious social
media waters and eventually diving head-first
into the unexpected of the entrepreneurial
world, Amy Jo worked for the Phoenix Suns
during their 2005-2006 game season, when
social media was an unfamiliar phrase. It was
a grassroots effort at its finest.

As a hard-hitting, assertive female starting
a career in a male-dominated industry,
Amy Jo developed a personal passion for

helping other women thrive and excel in
business leadership, while cracking the
code for admittance to the elusive “boy’s
club.” Recently, she launched Renegade
Brand Bootcamp – an intensive, information-
packed, three-month training program
tailored to help female founders, brand
builders, business owners, would-be
CEO’s, creators, innovators, investors, and
entrepreneurs reach both their business and
life goals, respectively.

Amy Jo is an on-going contributor to Harvard
Business Review and Sports Business Journal
and has been regularly profiled in legendary
periodicals, such as Vanity Fair, Forbes, TIME
Magazine, New York Times, Newsweek, Fast
Company, and ESPN Sports Center.
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