GoGirl Worldwide Magazine – August 2019

(lu) #1

6 | AUGUST 2019

Hi All My GoGirls

and GoGuys Too!

I hope you have been loving the pages of GoGirl Worldwide Magazine!
Thank you to all of you who have let us know that you’ve been moved
and inspired by our articles, stories and even the ads! Our goal is to bring
empowerment to all aspects of your life, and to encourage you to in-turn
pay-it-forward to other girls and women. There’s NOTHING we can’t do
when we join forces and GoGirl! And there’s a lot that needs to be done,
so we’d better get going!
I founded GoGirl Worldwide over a decade ago, and I started with a big
vision in mind. But at the heart of GoGirl I kept it pretty simple. I was
determined to stay true to the mission and purpose, no matter who I
teamed with or how large of an organization it became. I wrote a GoGirl
Pledge that I wanted to always follow, and that I would share with all my
GoGirls everywhere. I keep mine on my fridge and I read it all the time.
“As a GoGirl I pledge to Go for my dreams, Go for my goals, Go for my
passions, Go for my purpose and live life to the fullest every day. As a
GoGirl I pledge to Go for giving, Go for sharing, Go for kindness, Go for
caring and Pay-It-Forward in every way. GoGirl!
Hopefully these words resonate with you. I hope you are inspired to
truly live your life to the fullest, follow your purpose and passions and to
pay-it-forward too. In giving, we really do receive. The joy that comes
from lifting someone else up is one of the greatest feelings on this earth.
I hope you are empowered and that your cup gets filled up every month
by our magazine’s pages. And when your cup is overflowing with GoGirl
power you’ll be effortlessly rubbing off positivity to everyone you meet!
One of my passions is to make funny, inspiring videos. I love to make
people laugh, and I love to tell colorful stories with my acting and filming.
In the past I've made a funny video every week, but my work schedule
became so busy that for several years I got away from making my weekly
video for my YouTube channel. So last month I personally made a pact
with myself and with my YouTube followers that I would once again make
a funny video every Wednesday. I wasn’t sure exactly how I would find
the time to do it, but I decided that I needed to do it! When I go too long
without making my funny videos I start to get sad, and I feel like I’m not
practicing what I preach with GoGirl. So.... I’m back!
Here is my video where I made the announcement!
Is there is something that you love to do but life has gotten in the way?
What would you do if you were able to carve out some time for a passion
or hobby that you really love? Think back to when you were a kid.
What were some of the things you enjoyed doing? How did you play?
Sometimes as adults we forget to play. We let our responsibilities rule our
life. We need to be responsible, but let’s stretch ourselves to fit in time
for our inner-child. Make time for FUN and PLAY! I’d love to hear from
some of you about YOUR passion or hobby. Let me know if I’ve lit a fire
under you to dust that hobby off and get it going again, or to discover a

passion that you never knew you had until now.
It’s never to late to start something new, or to
restart something from the past. Why wait?
Let’s GO!
I hope you all love our magazine, and please
share it with those you know who would also
gain inspiration from reading our pages. 
Love you all,
Jennifer Murphy “GoGirl”
Founder/CEO - GoGirl Worldwide Magazine

Jennifer Murphy

Jen’s GoGirl tips: 
Remember to let your inner kid come out.
Remember to play.
Ask yourself, what would I do if I had more
time? And then evaluate the items on your
plate that might not be necessary, and make
room for a hobby or passion that you love
and miss, or have always wanted to do!
Put the GoGirl Pledge on your fridge or on
your car’s dash!

Follow Jen on
YouTube, Facebook
and Instagram. She
makes funny and
empowering videos
every Wednesday!

Photo: April Bennett
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