Daily Mail - 28.08.2019

(Wang) #1
Page 54 Daily Mail, Wednesday, August 28, 2019

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ONCE Mercury changes signs
tomorrow, and the Moon
soon after, all the ‘personal’
planets will be in Virgo,
suggesting that Virgoan
ideals will be prevalent, with
the need for humility as we
make decisions. With the

Sun’s sense of purpose,
Mars’s intensity, Venus’s
creativity and the Moon’s
emotions all combining with
Mercury’s powers of analysis,
the devils may be in the
details, but angels will be
painting the bigger picture.





ONE thing all
heroes and
heroines of action movies have in common
is that no one messes with them without
suffering the consequences. If anyone is
foolish enough to try, they end up
regretting it. I’m not going to suggest you
model yourself on such a character today.
Even though you could do with being a little
more confident, you don’t need to go quite
that far! Yet, it’s worth taking advantage of
this mystical time before the New Moon to
project a more assertive air. This is a
powerful week. The Grand Trines bring
powerful potential for transformation.
Find out more. Call 0906 751 5601.

DO YOU have
something to
prove? And, if so, is it really necessary to do
so? If you’re just trying to satisfy yourself,
then that’s a different story. But it’s worth
considering the impetus behind the urges
and inclinations that are characterising
your decision making. Are your motivations
what they should be? Is the anxiety you’re
currently experiencing really necessary?
The mysterious Dark of the Moon brings
the perfect moment to resolve a drama
with a very simple resolution. There are
wonderful opportunities as a rare series of
Grand Trines energise your life. For
exceptional news, call 0906 751 5602.

how often we do exactly what we shouldn’t
do at precisely the moment we ought to
know better. We throw oil on to the fire, or
slam our foot on the brake when we need
to accelerate. And when we’re not doing
that, we observe other folk performing
similar mishaps and wonder how they could
be so silly! Today, in the Dark of the Moon,
you can make moves towards realising a
long-held vision of your future. You just
need to forgive and forget. Then move on.
With a series of Grand Trines, you can give
yourself the best present ever: four minutes
of priceless insight. Call 0906 751 5603.

LIKE annoying
who throw wild parties that keep you awake
into the small hours, your worries have been
interrupting your sleep and your life. It’s as if
you have internal music (not of your choice)
playing at full volume, interrupting your
thoughts. With so much racket, no wonder

you’ve been struggling to think clearly.
Fortunately, the Dark of the Moon brings a
chance to disconnect from your amplified
worries. As the metaphorical music changes,
you can play the sound you want to hear.
As we approach an unprecedented series
of Grand Trines, find out how your life can
change for the better. Call 0906 751 5604.
situation has
reached a truce. Yet, you’re still feeling
uneasy. Could it be a ruse designed to lull
you into a false sense of security? If you let
your guard down, will you walk into a trap?
Surely it’s sensible to stay on red alert, with
your defence mechanisms at the ready? Not
necessarily. In fact, doing so risks cutting off
your nose to spite your face. You have a
genuine opportunity to make a significant
change today. Everyone concerned is being
sincere. Don’t let this chance pass you by.
The Grand Trines bring exceptionally
positive change! There’s great news in your
latest forecast. Call 0906 751 5605.
WITH all the
planets in Virgo by the end of the week,
the cosmic message bodes very well for
just about all aspects of your life. In fact,
even if you find yourself embarking on a
project that feels challenging, with the
help of so many positive astrological
influences you’ll be able to turn things
around. Simply focus on the aspects that
embrace inspiration, love, consideration
and kindness. When your intentions are good,
the cosmos will be delightfully supportive.
What a week! Mercury joins dynamic
Mars and abundant Venus in your sign. For
unmissable information, call 0906 751 5606.

THERE’S a buzz
in the air.
Electric shocks abound and sparks are
beginning to fly. The best way to navigate
through such a moment is to approach any
challenging situations with a degree of
caution. Rather than allowing the frenetic
energy to take hold, proceed with care.
Tension can give way to passion... and
you’ve been resisting a temptation for a
while. So be conscious of the power you
have available and act responsibly. You’ll
need to live with the consequences of your
actions! Let the outstanding Grand Trines
guide you to the future you’re silently,
secretly longing for. Call 0906 751 5607.
to ask any
questions you’d like answered today. There
are answers available. If you have an
objection to anything, you can voice it, too. In
the Dark of the Moon, even if you can’t quite
see where you’re going, or feel uncertain
about the route you’ve chosen, you can be
confident that you’re being led in the right
direction. Even if your head is telling you to
put on the brakes, your heart knows that it’s
time to keep moving forwards. Trust it, and
you’ll find yourself in a particularly good
place. How will this week’s exceptional
astrological picture transform your life?
For inspiring news, call 0906 751 5608.
earth happened to yesterday? Where has it
disappeared to? It was only here a short
while ago! Time is strange; one moment,
we’re in the present, then, before you know
it, that moment is in the past. That’s not to
say it’s ever too late to do what you want to

do or be inspired to explore new horizons.
When your heart is in the right place, you
have the power to speed time up (or slow it
down) according to your needs. The Dark
of the Moon suggests you can do that with
ease today. Let the power of the Grand
Trines inspire your future. Call your latest
four-minute forecast: 0906 751 5609.
tricky is
the issue you currently face? Serious enough
that you might have to pull out the big guns,
but not so serious as to be worth upsetting
and over-working yourself. The scale of your
efforts isn’t what’s important today — it’s
your sensitivity to the people involved in the
situation. If you’re feeling comfortable and
competent enough to be able to deal with the
repercussions, then get stuck in. If, however,
it’s already eating away at your sense of self
and peace of mind, then it’s time to draw a
line. Use the power of the unique Grand
Trines to change your life. For the key to the
future of your dreams, call 0906 751 5610.
on our
critical faculties. We use them to find the
potential faults in situations so we can take
remedial action. Without them, the world
would be in a very sorry state; constructive
change would be impossible. Yet, too much
criticism causes a lack of confidence. It can
crush expectations and overwhelm
innovative ideas. Under the Dark of the
Moon, you don’t need to justify or explain a
situation in order for it to be valuable. Take
a deep breath and allow things to unfold
today. Maximise the energy available to
you. Let the extraordinary Grand Trines
transform your world. Call 0906 751 5611.
IF YOU search
the world
over, eventually you’ll find someone whose
life, superficially at least, closely resembles
your own. You’ll probably be able to find
someone who looks uncannily like you,
too. But even if they seem identical, your
‘doppelganger’ will never be you. The more
comparisons we draw between ourselves
and others, the more we erode and eat away
at the very essence that is vital to success;
our sense of self. Today is all about you.
And that’s exactly how it should be.
The Grand Trines brings potential for
powerful positive change! There’s great
news in your forecast. Call 0906 751 5612.

TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21

CANCER June 23 - July 23

LEO July 24 - Aug 23

VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23

LIBRA Sep 24 - Oct 23

SCORPIO Oct 24 - Nov 22

SAGITTARIUS Nov 23 - Dec 21

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20

AQUARIUS Jan 21 - Feb 19

PISCES Feb 20 - Mar 20

GEMINI May 22 - June 22

ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 20

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Chloe & Co: Has Anyone Seen My Love Life? by Gray Joliffe is published by Amberley Publishing, priced £9.99. Order at http://www.mailbookshop.co.uk or
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