American Hunter – August 2019

(Amelia) #1 ❘ 33 ❘ august 2019

[1] Navigation equipment: topo map, compass, GPS
[2] Sun protection: hat, sunglasses/goggles, sunscreen
[3] Insulation: warm layers, hat, gloves, buff, hand warmers
[4] Illumination: flashlight, headlamp, extra batteries
[5] First-aid: basic or activity-specific kit, whistle
[6] Fire: waterproof matches, fire starter/tinder, saw
[7] Repair/tools: knife, zip-ties, duct tape, activity-specific items
[8] Nutrition: high-energy snacks, beef jerky, honey stinger,
trail mix
[9] Hydration: ability to make clean water (if not, carry extra)
[10] Shelter: tent, bivvy, tarp, space blanket, raingear

[1] Always tell someone where you are going and when
you will return.
[2] Bring a fully charged cell phone and ability to recharge
(but don’t expect to always have service).
[3] If lost, seek shelter and stay put. Build a fire (to make
smoky during the day and a big, bright light at night).
[4] If injured, stabilize the injury, keep warm and sheltered.
Call or send for help (911).

filters or chemical purification. In addition to a LifeStraw I also
carry a metal cup. You can boil water in it for purification; hot
water hydrates you with a warming sensation if you’re cold.”

Depending on the season (and the forecast, regardless) the
absence of shelter can have varying affects. Add rain, wind or
plummeting temperatures to the environment and finding suit-
able shelter fast becomes a necessity before hypothermia sets in.
“You should always be prepared to spend the night,” cautions
Sadler. “It can quickly drop to single-digit temperatures in the
mountains in the fall. Having access to a tent, a bivvy sack, a tarp,
plus a warm jacket, gloves and hat can really make the difference.”
If your mountain ventures regularly include backcountry
camping you likely have a bivvy sack or tent setup. Add to that
raingear, which should be a constant in your pack to shield from
moisture and to trap heat when temperatures drop. For urgent
situations, a survival blanket or specialized emergency bivvy
sack from companies like Adventure Medical protect you from
the elements. They trap heat and are blaze orange for high vis-
ibility. And always remember a flashlight with extra batteries.
Always carry fire-making tools, tinder and a backup.
Matches in a waterproof container, ferrocerium or magnesium
rods for striking and simple tinder like dryer lint or petroleum
jelly-soaked cotton balls all should be considered for emer-
gency fire starting. Not only can a fire keep you warm, but it can
serve as a beacon for location with its brightness at night and
smoke during the day. Add the sound of an emergency whistle
and you’ll lead rescuers to your exact location.

You could live up to four or five weeks without food as long as
you have water. Food is the fuel that energizes your body and fuels
your self-rescue. Always maintain enough energy-based food to
last the duration of your outing and extras in case of misfortune.
Food should include about 40 percent carbs, 30 percent pro-
tein and 30 percent fats. All should be healthy versions that
boost energy, not rob it. Sadler suggests not weighing yourself
down; bring just enough to fuel an additional day or two.
“Definitely have enough food packed for an extra day. My
go-to is beef jerky. It provides lots of protein for energy and
doesn’t add a lot of weight. Combine that with energy bars
and trail mix to give you several extra hours of nutrition,
and energy.”

Communication & Navigation
The first rule of communication in the backcountry, says Sadler,
is to plan as if you won’t have any. The second rule is to stay
put if you do become disoriented. This allows searchers to zero
in on your last known location rather than expand the search.
Back up electronic navigation devices with elements of yes-
teryear including a map or compass.
“For navigation, I’m old school and like a map,” says Sadler.
“It can never run out of batteries. Lots of guys use a phone; if it
dies, there goes your map. Use a compass and map along with
your GPS, or phone apps for backup navigation.”
Along with old school technology Sadler suggests down-
loading maps to avoid online connections, and to bring extra

power sources for all electronics. Batteries and solar chargers
offer an energy boost in an emergency. Placing your phone in
airplane mode prolongs its battery life.
“You may also want to invest in a satellite communication
device, like the Garmin inReach units,” he says. “They offer the
ability to text message, track your location and even send an SOS.”
Even if you think you’ll have communication and navi-
gation abilities, leave exact details regarding your trailhead,
route, camp location and time of return. Keep your smartphone
off until needed—but turning it on for a few minutes as you
move through your hunting area gives it a chance to leave an
electronic trail (if coverage is available). If you need help, call
911, not your girlfriend, counsels Sadler, to give searchers a
GPS coordinate.
Don’t wait too long to reach out for help. In Colorado, as in
many locations, search-and-rescue is free.
“Call us sooner than later,” says Sadler, “because there is no
need to worry about a big rescue bill. We will get you out of
the woods and to safety.” ah

Photos: Author
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