American Hunter – August 2019

(Amelia) #1

august 2019 ❘ 78 ❘








ILA Grassroots:
(800) 392-8683

NRA-ILA: (703) 267-1170

NRA-ILA website:
Photo by David McBee /


ver since taking control of the
U.S. House of Representatives, the
Democrat leadership, with the full
support of the vast majority of their caucus,
has been waging an unprecedented assault
on the Second Amendment. Led by Speaker
Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), the caucus has been
an entity in virtual lock-step promoting a
laundry list of today’s most popular anti-gun
proposals. Whether it is banning semi-
automatic firearms and placing limitations
on magazine capacities, pushing “universal”
background checks, imposing potentially
endless waiting periods or trying to use
financial institutions to drive their political
agenda, anti-gun Democrats are looking
to exploit every opportunity they can to
promote their attacks on our freedoms.
At every step, Pelosi and her minions
push anti-gun legislation with the lie that
each proposal will be the death knell to
violent crime committed with firearms.
Of course, we’ve all heard this mantra for
decades. And for decades we’ve seen every
anti-gun law that has passed fail to put a
dent in crime, only to be followed by a new
proposal that the gun-ban extremists insist
will get the job done ... this time.
Supporters of the Second Amendment
have always known that gun-control laws
have a fatal flaw: Criminals don’t obey the
law. They ignore or circumvent the new laws

just as readily as they ignore or circumvent
the old ones. If they are willing to commit
robbery, why would they not also be willing
to commit armed robbery? If they are willing
to commit assault, why would they not be
willing to commit assault with a deadly
weapon? And if they are willing to commit
homicide, again, why would they not be
willing to commit homicide using a firearm?
One more law will not stop a violent criminal
from being a violent criminal.
The people actually impacted by gun-
control laws are, of course, law-abiding gun
owners, who were never part of the problem
to begin with. They may not agree with anti-
gun laws, but they tend to obey them while
working to change them.
This doesn’t mean that there are no
options for addressing violent crime. The
secret, which isn’t really a secret, is to go after
the actual offenders. One good example is
Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN).
Started in 2001 under President George
W. Bush, PSN is a collaborative effort,
utilizing the resources of federal, state and
local law enforcement, prosecutors and
community leaders to target violent crime
at the local level. Specific priorities are
identified based on the local environment,
and solutions are developed, with the
primary objective of going after the most-
violent offenders and putting them in prison.

Are Anti-Gun Representatives Now

Opposed to Safe Neighborhoods?

Free download pdf