New Internationalist- 09.2019 - 10.2019

(sharon) #1


given only in exceptional circumstances.
I ask him whether he was expecting to
be arrested, having spoken up so loudly
in criticism of Sheikh Hasina, Prime
Minister of Bangladesh.
‘I wouldn’t say I was expecting it – if
I [had been], I’d have packed my tooth-
brush and backed up my files! True to
say, though, that I knew I was on the very
edge – but that’s where I belong.’
So how, I wonder, did he cope with
the harsh reality of over three months in
Dhaka Central Jail?
‘Aside from “The Torture Thing”, it
was an unusual networking experience!
I met several kind-hearted murderers
and a common thief or two, political

prisoners, jihadis and others who I am
convinced are entirely innocent of any
crime, all living quite literally toe to
toe in the jailhouse – each with an incred-
ible story.’
I ask how he feels now about his incar-
ceration, torture and the upcoming trial
for spreading anti-government propa-
ganda – which, if he is found guilty of
undermining the government, will land
him with a 14-year prison sentence.
‘The experience taught me a lot about
the relationship between a state and its
citizens, and what a power-hungry state
can do to its own citizens. If I am found
guilty, it will be because Bangladesh is no
longer a democracy with a free press.

‘On a broader political level, what
really concerns me is the fact that much
of what determines world politics is war-
mongering states colluding with weapons
manufacturers. The war industry is such
a huge part of the global economy. The
most powerful nations in the world make
decisions which deeply affect poorer
countries and yet those decisions are
really determined by the interests of the
arms industry. War, be it between coun-
tries or civil, is the world’s biggest indus-
try and that is what determines global
economics.’ O

‘I know people who have been abducted and never

returned, others who returned as different people, people

who never ever spoke of what had happened to them and

have given up being critical of the government’

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