Not sure where to start? Here are those
all-important ceremony details...
he first thing to do is sit
down with your fiancé
and talk openly about the
kind of day you want. The main
ceremony options are:
may have to attend a number
of Sunday services beforehand.
The marriage can be authorised by
calling banns on three consecutive
Sundays three months before the
day, or by obtaining a common
licence. Church fees are from £415,
with extra costs for choir, organ,
etc. In Scotland, banns aren’t
necessary, but 15 days’ notice must
be given at a register office.
Take your baptism and
confirmation certificates to
your priest at least six months
before if one of you is unbaptised
then the priest needs to give
permission. You may have to
attend marriage preparation talks
and Mass for six weeks before
your wedding day. Visit your local
superintendent registrar to give
notice and obtain your marriage
licence. Fees vary.
JEWISHYou’ll need one
application for your local
register office and one for the
religious authorities.
your slot at a register office
less than 12 months and
more than 17 days in advance.
You must have been resident in
England/Wales for seven days
before visiting your local registrar
to give notice, and the fee is £35
each to give notice. A register office
wedding costs £45. If the ceremony
is held elsewhere, you’ll need to pay
for a registrar to attend.
Baptists’ Union 01235 517 700
Church of England 020 7898 1000
Church of Scotland 0131 225 5722
Greek Archdiocese 020 7723 4787
Association 020 7324 3060
Jewish Council 020 8203 6311
Marriage Care
(Catholic) 0800 389 3801
Methodist Church 020 7486 5502
United Reform
Church 020 7916 2020
General Register Offices:
England and Wales 0300 123 1837
Guernsey 01481 725 277
Jersey 01534 441 335
Northern Ireland 0300 200 7890
Scotland 0131 314 4447
Yo u a n d yo u r fi a n c é m u s t b e
at least 16 to be legally married.
In England and Wales, if either
of you is under 18 years of age,
then you must have your parent
or guardian’s permission. In
Scotland you don’t need parental
permission if you are over 18.
to each other and you must both
be free to marry.
The marriage must take
place in legal premises, such
as a register oice, religious
venue or a licensed venue.
The marriage must take place
in the presence of a registrar
or oicial.
Two witnesses must be
present who are old enough to
understand the ceremony.
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