Perfect Wedding

(Grace) #1








In the Stars

JUL23–AUG 22

Marsbrings you alively,
vibrant,creative and
exciting month,packed
opportunities to make
your mark. Beware as it
couldbe tiringthough be
sure to get some sleep
while you can! You don’t
want toburn out.

APR 20–MAY 20

Yo u rr social life picks up
this month Taurus, aided
new moon. Friendship
proves to be really
you’ll bedelightedbya
surprise whichwill
show youhow much
someone cares.

MAY 21–JUNE 2 2

Mars enters your house
of love this month,
bringing plentyof fire,
spice andpassion into
your life. This is the
perfect time, Gemini,for
ahoneymoon or a pre-
wedding getawaywhere
you can revelin each
other’s company.

JUNE 23–JUL2 2

Your competitive streak
emerges at workthis
month, Cancer, and you’ll
be puttingin extra hours
to make sure you come
out on top. Your wedding
planning gets very
competitive too but can
your budget matchyour
big ideas?

AUG23–SEP 22

A new moon in your house
ofromance, Virgo, is
swiftly followed by Venus’
arrival there too it’s set
tobeanextremely tender
and lovingmonth, with
an abundance ofloved
up, magical,pre-wedding
moments for the twoof

SEP 23–OCT22

Doing things your own way
means stepping away from
the crowd, Libra. Don’tbe
afraid tobe different this
month,and to break with
tradition in your wedding
and elsewhere. Enoughof
thesameold, same old.
This is thetimeforittobe

NOV 23 –DEC2 1

Mars arrives in your sign
and sendsyour confidence
you candream now, you
can achieve. Don’t take no
for an answerandbesure
to be persistent in striving
towards yourlife goals
this month, Sagittarius. It
will definitelypayoff.

OCT 23–NOV22

Your finance will improve
onceMars takesholdof
this area of your chart,
andyou will be driven to
expandyour income
in some very creative
ways, Scorpio. Maybe
the wedding budget will
stretch a littlebit further
after all!

FEB 1 9 –MAR 20

Everything starts to come
together nicelyforyou
this month, Pisces. With
a new moon in your sign,
and the arrival of Mercury
find it easier toget new
projects off the ground
this will be a go-getting
monthfor sure.

DEC22–JAN 1 9

communication come
easily to you now and
it’s agood month to have
awkward conversations
emotionaltopics. You are
blessedwith a lot of charm
and charisma,so use it to
your advantage.

JAN 20–FEB 1 8

Extravagant wedding
spendingcould spiralout
of controlas Venus gives
you an eye for thefiner
things in life. This could
resultinapaniclater in
theyear. Whynot get
creative andsee if you can
get thesameresults on a

Find out what the stars have in store for you this month



MAR 21–APR 1 9

This tends to be your
quietest, most reflective
month of the year,Aries,
until the sun arrives in
your signlater on. Use
this time to plan and to get
properly organised there
is lots of abundance
coming your way soon, so
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