Saturday Magazine - 31.08.2019

(Rick Simeone) #1


e’re used to seeing
Gordon being,
shall we say, a tad
terrifying. All in the
name of good soufflé. Now he’s
the one who’s terrified, and being bossed about by other chefs.
Gordon spent months travelling to New Zealand, Peru,
Morocco, Laos, Hawaii and Alaska, where he pitched up with each
region’s most innovative chefs. And there was a side order of
dangerous adventure as he sourced the best ingredients.
Over the series, he climbs trees for
fuchsia berries (no, us neither – but they
sound yummy!), catches an eel with his
bare hands, travels on a boat made of
inner tubes and bottles, free dives, rappels
down a rock face, and dangles on the
edge of a cliff. The indefatigable star
excitedly tells us more...
How would you describe the show?
It’s about getting to the crux and the
heartbeat, and what made that particular
region sing. I don’t like hanging around
in hotels and sunbathing, so we hit the
ground, and then we got on with it.
You are less of a potty mouth on this series.
Why do you think that is?
Being surrounded by incredible professionals, they just made it so
seamless for me to tap into their world. But listen, I don’t go out of
my way to curse. Unfortunately, in several incidents, it’s been to do
with the muppets I have to work with.
You had to eat guinea pigs...
Well, I won’t be putting them on the menu in Vegas, that’s for sure.
And I’m not too sure how well the blown-up small intestines of the
seal would go down for Sunday lunch at the Savoy Grill.
There’s hunting in the series because that’s the reality
of life for people in these regions...
My guide in New Zealand had this incredible goat on his shoulder
that he’d sort of slit the Achilles tendon and put the hoops through
the Achilles and he tucked it on his back, and it was like a freaking
rucksack you know. It looked like it had just come out of a Gucci
shop. I’m thinking, oh my god! But that’s how
they survive – it’s an essential protein.
Were you ever scared for your life?
Every episode.
What’s worse – a review from a critic that
stings, or from a farmer who tells you
you’re not cooking the alpaca hearts right?
Listen, I’m not a delicate soul. I have thick skin.
But it does hurt either way, having your food
sent back or getting a bad review. You take it
personally. If I didn’t feel for it then I wouldn’t be
here, right? I do feel for it immensely.

Dicing wit h deat h

...and chopping, slicing and simmering too!
Gordon Ramsay risks his neck for good grub

Wed 9pm Nat Geo


iiinin hho

Getting recipe
tips in Morocco

in Alaska

‘Was I

ever scared
for my life?

Every single

Words by: Jennifer Rodger



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