Saturday Magazine - 31.08.2019

(Rick Simeone) #1

Words by: Tricia Martin


ant to watch
something as big and
bold as Benidorm,
which sadly came to
an end last year? Then look no further than, er, Scarborough. That’s
where Benidorm creator Derren Litten has relocated with this big,
bold – and frequently brash – new comedy.
Sure, the sun might not always shine – after all, it is set in England!

  • but Claire Sweeney’s man-eater Hayley brings the heat, comedian
    Jason Manford the laughs (and a surprisingly good singing voice) as
    Mike, and Stephanie Cole, at 77, delivers one of her best roles yet as
    a sharp-tongued pensioner.
    ‘My intention is for it to be the first comedy soap,’ says Derren.
    At the heart of the seaside community are Mike and Karen
    (Catherine Tyldesley), who’re back together after his bid to make it as
    a singer scuppered their relationship. Karen wed someone else but,
    when that marriage failed, was
    drawn back to her true love.
    Now Mike is supposedly building
    bridges with Karen as they belt
    out standards at The Ship pub’s
    karaoke night, where writer
    Derren pops up as the landlord.
    But as we meet the couple,
    their reunion could be doomed

  • Karen has just caught Mike
    locking lips with Hayley.
    To make matters worse,
    Hayley’s gangster boyfriend
    Tony Peroni (Benidorm stalwart
    Jake Canuso) has just got out of prison and is looking for Mike...
    ‘A lot of couples will be able to see themselves in Karen and Mike,’
    says former Coronation Street actress Catherine.
    ‘I’ve been reading the scripts with my husband at home and
    said, “Oh god, that’s us!”. It’s very relatable – and extremely funny.
    The storylines will get viewers hooked.’

‘It’s extremely
funny... a lot of

couples will see
themselves in

Karen and Mike’

Benidorm’s creator is back with a hilarious
new seaside saga of love, lies and karaoke


Creator Derren
plays The Ship
pub’s landlord

MIKE (Jason Manford)
Mike’s running the local
amusement arcade and
trying to get his life back
on track.

The hairdresser has
a divorce behind her
and doubts about
the future.

Owner of the hair
salon, where locals
trade gossip under
the dryers.

MARION (Stephanie Cole)
Karen’s mum. She’s getting
forgetful but she’s not short of
opinions. ‘She’s quite cutting,’
says Stephanie.

Wish you were here

Fri 9.30pm BBC One



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