Saturday Magazine - 31.08.2019

(Rick Simeone) #1
Words by: Neil Batey

Obsession... Shaun’s
barrister Hannah,
who he’s in love with

definitely got

some form
of PTSD... he

thinks, “Am I a

Callum Turner plays Shaun Emery

Is Shaun very troubled?
He grew up in a violent environment and is an aggressive
person. His job in the military is life or death and he’s definitely
got some form of post-traumatic stress disorder. He has trouble
working himself out and thinks, ‘Am I a monster?’

How does he react to being in prison?
In the eyes of the law Shaun is a killer, but he wants the world to
see him a different way. He fears that his young daughter will
grow up thinking her dad is a murderer.

He gets very close to his own brief, Hannah...
She is the barrister who gets Shaun acquitted and released from
prison. They’ve been spending a lot of time together and he
becomes obsessed with her. He falls in love and thinks Hannah
can make him a better person.

Did you do any military training for this role?
Some really hard-as-nails ex-Paras trained me in using weapons
and surveillance techniques. I was instructed to go to the
Imperial War Museum and follow a one-legged man. I can now
understand the adrenaline thrill of being a soldier, it’s so
high-octane. The training was invaluable because there are
some mad stunts in this series, such as falling from buildings
and jumping from moving cars.

Shadowy figures...
Famke Janssen
and Ron Perlman



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