Happiful – September 2019

(Wang) #1
September 2019 • happiful.com • 31

However trichotillomania
first occurs, the brain begins
to associate the completion of
the urge with a sense of relief.
Louise provides some insight:
“Many people report of a building
physical urge to pull, which is
replaced by a feeling of release,
or discharge of physical tension,
when the hair is pulled out.” So,
whenever the body feels stressed,
anxious or tense, the brain’s
automatic response is to compel
the person to pull out their hair.
“My hair-pulling is less regular
than it used to be, but it always
gets worse if I am stressed or
anxious,” says Natalie. “I
would also definitely
refer to myself as a
perfectionist and, to
be honest, even a bit

of a control freak. I do think that
those traits contribute to being a
The perfectionist thing is
something that I whole-heartedly
relate to. And, interestingly, when
I asked psychologist Louise about
this, she concurred.
“Trichotillomania sufferers often
appear to have perfectionistic

traits, which explains why pulling
is frequently preceded by the
search for ‘the right hair’. This
may be a hair that feels different
from the rest, such as being
rougher or thicker, and can often
make it difficult for sufferers to
resist pulling out new hairs as
they grow back after an episode,”
Louise explains.

How is trich treated?
A commonly used treatment is
a type of cognitive behavioural
therapy (CBT) called habit reversal
training, but it’s also thought
that hypnosis could be effective

in helping sufferers break the
habitual thought-patterns. To be
successful, you have to replace
the urge with something that’s not
“In my experience, the most
significant factor in breaking the
habit cycle is having an increased
awareness of times when you are
likely to pull, so that you can pre-
empt them,” says Louise. “Equally
important is finding a competing
response (or range of responses)
that can be used to replace the
pulling behaviour at those times.
Carrying out the competing
response instead of pulling should
help reduce the urge, although it
may not eradicate it entirely.”

What that response is will differ
from person to person, and
situation to situation. Ideally,
though, it should be something
that keeps your hands occupied
and away from your hair –
perhaps even simply holding
something, Louise tells me.
“An advantage to having
something in your hands is that
you will need to put it down
before you act upon the urge
to pull. This not only brings
the pulling into conscious
awareness, but it also gives you
those critical few moments
where you can decide whether
going along
with the urge is
something you
really want to do.”
Am I over these
urges? For the most
part, I think so.
But, sitting here
writing this now, I
can feel the same
sense of dread that
used to haunt me
almost on a daily
basis. Perhaps that is a good
thing, though. Even after all
these years, the memory of how
trichotillomania made me feel
still hangs heavy on my heart.
This article has been difficult
for me to write, but I feel I
have finally acknowledged the
torment of my teenage mind
and addressed the stigma (and,
indeed, the lack of knowledge)
around this condition.
If you’re dealing with trich right
now, or if you’re a parent worried
about your child, please know
that it won’t last forever. I’m now
free from these urges and, with a
little time and patience, you could
be too.

Telling someone not to do

something they feel an

overwhelming urge to do is like

telling someone not to scratch

when they have an itch

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