Happiful – September 2019

(Wang) #1

End your day on a grateful note...

So often the negatives
can consume
our thoughts, but
dedicating a little time
to focus on the things

we’re thankful for can
do wonders for our

Studies have shown that
collecting your thoughts at the
end of the day, and focusing
on what you’re grateful for, can
improve your sleep quality,
optimism, and even lower blood
pressure. Why not give it a go

1 Pick a notebook or journal
(any pen and paper will do,
but having a special book
might make this time feel
like a real treat).

2 Try to get into a routine and
develop the habit by setting
a time for writing in your
journal every day.

3 Take as long as you like, but
try to note down at least one
positive thing you can take
from the day or week.

4 Revisit and read your
gratitude journal for a mood
boost, and a reminder of all
the wonderful things in your
life, no matter how small,
when you need it most.

(The Happiness Planner, £22)

Gratitude Journal
(Selfish Darling, £24.99)

Q and A a Day: 5-Year Journal
(Potter Style, £14.99)

Struggling for what to write? Here
are 10 prompts to get you started:

  • Who was the last person to make
    you smile?

  • What memory always makes you

  • Describe your favourite smell

  • Describe your favourite dish

  • Describe the last time you
    helped someone

  • Note down a time you made a
    mistake, but learnt something
    from it

  • What are you most proud of in
    the past week?

  • What are you most looking
    forward to in the next week?

  • What teacher, mentor, or
    person, has had the biggest
    impact on your life?

  • List five ways you can share your
    gratitude with the people you
    love tomorrow

Journals we love

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