Happiful – September 2019

(Wang) #1
When we reach a big life milestone, it’s natural to
want to reflect on where we’re at in our lives. Here,
blogger Anna Newton pens a letter to her future
self as she approaches the big 3-0, drawing on
lessons she’s learnt so far, and those all important
intentions for her future

Writing | Anna Newton

Hello future Anna!

How are you doing? Has The
Office finally come to Netflix?
Are avocados still trendy, or are
they laughed at like the ‘devils on
horseback’ dish from the 80s? Can
you believe that we used to drive
cars with our hands and feet?!
Here’s the thing with writing
a letter to your future self – one
day you can actually look back at
it and read it. If only I had access
to the implanted microchips that
you now use for diary entries, I’d
schedule a reminder for 20 years
time to check this out. Instead of
looking back at what advice I’d give
to my younger self, it’s a chance to
review where I am now, how I got
here, and have a look into a crystal
ball to set intentions and hopes for
the years ahead.
This year, 2019, will see me
turn 30. An age by which, when
I was younger, I imagined I’d be

I’ve learnt that family and friends
are everything and, just like you
need to be there to buoy them up
sometimes, the ones that are worth
their salt will return the favour
when you need it most. I’ve learnt
the hard lesson that you can’t be
everyone’s cup of tea. I’ve learnt
to congratulate a friend on their
achievements, without comparing
their life timeline to mine. I’ve
learnt about teamwork, decision-
making, interest rates, and what
the hell to do when the pipes freeze
over, and the shower doesn’t work.
I’m learning to adult.


to grow

married (I have found myself a lovely
fella, so have checked that one off the
list), own a house with a garden
(haha!), and have started a family
(hahahahaha! x100).
But here’s the thing, life doesn’t
always turn out how you planned

  • which I’m sure you’re even
    more aware of now. In fact, life
    has a funny old way of turning
    things completely on their head,
    providing challenges which hurt
    like hell sometimes, but can often
    give us a chance to grow, and teach
    us a lesson worth learning.
    So what have I learnt in the past
    29 years? Well, sometimes what
    you think you want, isn’t actually
    what you want at all. I’ve learnt to
    forge my own path, and not the one
    drawn out for me by others. Hell,
    I went completely off-piste and
    became a self-employed blogger,
    and I couldn’t be happier thanks to
    my jump into the deep end, and off
    the corporate ladder.

80 • happiful.com • September 2019

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