Concealed Carry Handguns – August 2019

(lu) #1
fenders should coordinate so both don’t
run dry at the same time. A standard
practice is to yell “reloading!” when
carrying out the reload so your partner
knows your weapon has gone silent.

In previous articles I’ve discussed
positioning at restaurants or other
venues so that the person or persons
who are armed can observe entrances
and other possible trouble spots. In
a group with multiple people armed,
some care can be taken so that those
with weapons can cover likely threat
areas and can also reach cover to give
suppressive fire while other members
of their party escape/reach cover.

By no means am I suggesting that a
couple or two friends who both carry
their weapons all the time need to be
trained to the level of special operators.
However, training with their weapons
is highly advised for those who carry
them. That training can include tactics
as well standing and punching paper.

For example, I often train by engaging
multiple hanging plates to simulate
engaging multiple targets as quickly as
possible. When training with a friend or
my wife, I vary this drill by suggesting

With two good
guys, one should
cover the rear
to prevent being
flanked. However,
with only two
partners, the rear
security one may
also engage attack-
ers from the front
and periodically
check the rear.

we are facing multiple attackers that
we must mutually engage in the most
effective way. We’re training, but we’re
also experimenting in the most effec-
tive way to engage these targets.

Other techniques can be run through
using empty weapons. Because I

have access to Simunitions guns or
laser guns, I have had the chance
to practice some of the techniques
discussed “force on force.” While that
can be helpful, it’s not absolutely nec-
essary. Basic fire and movement, use
of cover, evacuation under fire, and
other tactics may be practiced with
unloaded weapons (that have been



The leapfrog principle applies when evacuating from a disabled vehicle as well. If the vehicle is disabled due to an
attempted carjacking, flat tire, barricade during civil
unrest, or other situations, it may be necessary to escape
the vehicle.

If two armed citizens are present, they may attempt to
get to a safe haven such as a nearby building prior to
evacuation to another vehicle nearby. If facing armed
attackers, it may be necessary for one to give covering
fire while the other runs to the vehicle/safe haven. Upon
reaching the evacuation vehicle, etc., the citizen can then
give cover to his partner while he evacuates. There will be
myriad variations of this fire and movement drill.

An alternative need for covering fire may occur if the vehicle is stopped but can probably be made operational with some
effort and maneuvering. In this case, covering fire can be given from within the vehicle.


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