Concealed Carry Handguns – August 2019

(lu) #1

What if you’re older or have physical
limitations? How do you go about
selecting a reputable trainer?

BALICKI: It’s never too late to start
training. There are so many arts out
there that can accommodate any person
of any age. It’s hard for me to suggest
a specifi c martial art to someone who
asks. Like food, everyone has a specifi c
taste and you need to fi nd the one
that fi ts you. What I would suggest
is to start investigating the web and
see if you can fi nd something that will
work for you. After that, visit different
schools and audit the classes. Make sure
the school and, more specifi cally, the
instructor are credible and are teaching
in a safe, respectable way (especially
weapons-based classes). For me, my
art of choice predominantly was Filipino
martial arts (FMA). It’s not to say that I
don’t look at other systems. I do. How-
ever, FMA is my base when it comes to
weapons. Again, you may not like this
system, but you need to fi nd what works
for you. FMA works for me.

CCH: Other than a fi rearm, are there
other weapons you’d recommend
carrying once you receive the appro-
priate training?

BALICKI: As far as carrying weapons, the
fi rst thing I do is learn the local laws and
see if I am compliant. Some states frown
on a citizen carrying knives or certain
blade lengths of knives. Try not to get
caught up on carrying weapons that are
illegal for a host of reasons.

Outside of being put in jail for carrying
an illegal weapon, there are other
reasons not to carry an illegal weapon.
I have seen people who carry many
different types of weapons that were
forbidden in their communities. Some try
to come up with creative ways to con-
cealing their weapons. Most of the time
they are trying to conceal it from not just
the public’s view, but also from law en-
forcement offi cers. Most often, they bury
the weapon in elaborate ways, making
the weapon not readily accessible.

Now when you need the weapon, it
takes so long to deploy it that you be-
come vulnerable to the attack, negating
the very reason you are carrying the
weapon in the fi rst place. Imagine an
assailant coming at you with either his
hands or worse, a weapon, and now
your hand(s) are occupied trying to
deploy your illegal weapon. Try to stay
legal and fi nd the easiest weapon that
can be deployed in high stress situations.
Also remember, form should follow func-
tion. Sexy looking weapons are great,
but are they really functional?

You need to be able to deploy your
weapon in high stress situations. When
you fi nd a weapon that you feel com-
fortable with, you have to start making
it part of your wardrobe. It is a must that
you start training deployment of the
weapon, be it under garments or draw-
ing it from holsters or cases. You also
need to be creative and work at drawing
the weapon from every conceivable
position your body can be in. Work it

LEFT: Don’t
underestimated an
opponent with a
knife. In a couple of
heartbeats he can
close the distance
and be on you.
Guruxox / Dreamstime.

RIGHT: Here, Balicki
(left) is defending
against a close
quarters threat from
a man with the gun,
not having time or
space to deploy a
weapon of his own.
Photo courtesy of Ron

standing, sitting (on the ground, in a
chair or vehicle), lying down (prone and
supine). Then work those positions under
stress situations. You need to be able
to have it out in a split second from all
positions with your right and left hands.
If you can’t access the weapon easily in
your training imagine trying to draw the
weapon while someone is swinging at
you with malice.

While I was on the Sheriff’s department,
we would have fi rearms training. Cadets
were given different scenarios and had
to overcome the obstacles. One of my
favorites were to shout out, “Bang! You
just got shot in your strong hand. Now
pull your fi rearm out with your weak
hand.” It was shocking to see so many
cadets fail to even clear their fi rearms
from their holsters, especially under
stress. Do not take this for granted. You
need to have a solution and train it until
it is second nature.

What happens when you drop or lose
your weapon? Many people carry






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