Concealed Carry Handguns – August 2019

(lu) #1
back-up weapons for this reason. If you
cannot deploy your primary weapon,
some people want a fail-safe. You have
to become intimately familiar with your
secondary weapon and its accessibility
and deployment. I cannot stress the
importance of training for all scenarios.
Your life may depend on it.

CCH: The old saying is don’t bring
a knife to a gun fight. But doesn’t
that underestimate the guy with
the knife?

BALICKI: Most people underestimate
the knife versus a gun. There was a
great video made for law enforcement
that you can now find on YouTube. It
is called, “Surviving Edged Weapons.”
My father-in-law, Dan Inosanto, is
featured in it. It goes over the dangers
of law enforcement officers facing
knife-wielding assailants.

In the video, they teach officers about
the 21-foot rule. This is very interesting
to see what happens at closer distances.
Even at the 21-foot mark, if you don’t
know what you are doing, you can
expect to be cut. You have to remember
that the knife never runs out of ammo
and, unlike a firearm, it doesn’t have to
be pointed right at you to do you harm.
Someone with a gun and good aim can
fire at a great distance and not be in
harm’s way if your attacker only has a
knife. But know this: Most people with a
firearm miss at 9 feet. What do you do
when this happens? The real danger is
when someone with a knife is in a close

proximity. This is when the person
with the edged weapon is at an
advantage. The assailant who bran-
dishes a knife is a different kind of
person, he doesn’t mind being in the
fight. He knows he may have to deal
with a person fighting for their life. He
doesn’t mind getting hit or bled on.
He’s ready for a tactile situation with
his victim. A bad guy with a gun can
shoot from a distance and have none
of these concerns.

CCH: How do you develop a
warrior’s attitude, the determi-
nation to fight back?

BALICKI: You need to be aware
of who you are dealing with and
scan for any signs of weapons they
may have concealed. To survive in
today’s world, you need to develop
a warrior’s attitude. What I mean
by this is that you need to think of
self-preservation. Think of all things I
have mentioned and then go further
than that with a plan. In addition to
continually scanning your environ-
ment, don’t put yourself in sketchy
situations. You need to learn how to
walk away and keep your life. If con-
fronted by someone with a weapon,
the biggest win could be losing your
wallet. Remember, you can replace
your wallet, but not your life. You
can always nurse your ego. These
are just a few things that may give
you a chance at surviving a possible
life-threatening situation. Good luck
and stay safe out there. CC



Dan Inosanto: Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do, Filipino
Kali, Maphilindo Silat, Thai Boxing
Yorinaga Nakamura: Shoot wrestling
Edgar Sulite: Lameco Escrima
Nicolas Saignac: Savate
Anthony De Longis: Bullwhip
Leo Giron: Bahala Na Eskrima
Tom Meadows: Latigo y Daga (Whip and Dagger)
Chai Sirisute: Muay Thai
Randy Williams: Wing Chun
Fred Degerberg: Degerberg Blend Thai Boxing
Pete Cruz: Degerberg Blend
Herman Suwanda: Mande Muda (Pencak silat)
Paul DeThouras: Bakti Negara
Victor DeThouras: Serak Silat
Larry Lindenmann: Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do, Filipino
Christopher Ricketts - Edgar Sulite:
Bakbakan Eskrima

Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do
Filipino Martial Arts/Kali
Maphilindo Silat
Muay Thai
Lameco Escrima
Degerberg Blend (8th Degree Black Belt)
Wing Chun
Latigo y daga (whip fighting)

Balicki competed in America and Japan in "Vale
Tudo" matches (No holds barred) fighting

As a professional Shoot Wrestler, he holds the title
of "Shooter" (Professional Fighter) under Yorinaga

Balicki won the 1996 Southern California Boxe
Française Savate Championship Tournament.

Balicki is a four-time knife fighting champion in the
Cold Steel Challenge weapons fighting tournament.

Balicki is a two-time sword fighting champion in the
Cold Steel Challenge weapons fighting tournament.

Balicki was a Deputy Sheriff in Cook County,

Balicki (left)
demonstrates knife
fighting techniques
at the Cold Steel
booth at the NRA
annual meetings
several years ago.
Steve Barlow photo


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