The Economist UK - 31.08.2019

(Wang) #1

16 The EconomistAugust 31st 2019

Letters are welcome and should be
addressed to the Editor at
The Economist, The Adelphi Building,
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Hold on to your cash
You cheered the fact that rich
countries are becoming cash-
less (“The dash from cash”,
August 3rd). Yet one of the
largest benefits of physical
cash is that it prevents over-
spending. Psychologically, it is
more difficult for someone to
hand over cash than to tap or
swipe a bank card. One is much
more aware of the act of
parting from a physical item of
value, and therefore more
mindful of how much has been
spent. Banks are increasingly
providing a variety of spend-
ing-management tools to help
people keep track of their
money when they use digital-
cash services. The best method
of managing spending would
be to encourage people to start
carrying and using cash again.
evan byrne

Richard Thaler, who won the
Nobel prize for economics in
2017, has shown that people
spend at least twice as much
with credit cards than with
cash. Modern society is grow-
ing ever more complex. The
phasing out of cash should be
rodolfo de luca
Buenos Aires

Those who advocate digitising
everything do not recognise
that life is full of nuance. Wal-
lets get lost, but so do phones
with digital wallets (which can
also break). At 62 I want to be
able to delegate errands. I don’t
want my young grandson to
have a card until he is ready to
face up to the obligations of
using one. Some people will
never cope without cash,
because of illness, or just a
total lack of interest in absorb-
ing more banal mental clutter,
such as constantly updating
passwords, reviewing transac-
tion printouts or reading
tomes of terms and conditions.
Always keep a little cash
around. Diversify. It lowers
risk. Plastic is useless when
power lines are down. If
someone can wire you some
cash, on the other hand?
maria ashot

Britain’s unreliable railway
One of the bugbears of the
British rail industry is the
perennial search for structural
solutions to problems that may
not have structural causes.
Your article, “Getting back on
track” (August 17th), is a case in
point. In the 26 years since
privatisation the franchising
regime has changed little, but
rail reliability has fluctuated
widely. It improved steadily
from 1993 until the Hatfield
crash in 2000, which precipi-
tated a sharp decline. It took a
long time to recover, but by
2009 Britain had one of the
most reliable railways in
Europe. It is now back down to
dismally low levels.
Given this varied history, it
is difficult to see any strong
causal link between franchis-
ing and reliability. A more
plausible diagnosis is that the
railway is suffering from
financial and political neglect.
Tinkering with the franchising
system may attract politicians,
but it is unlikely to make the
trains run on time.
mark lambirth
Former director
ukDepartment for Transport
Paphos, Cyprus

Market policy in Canada
It is not often that Canada’s
competition law makes it into
the global economic discus-
sion, as it did in your special
report on Canada (July 27th). As
the federal commissioner of
competition, I was grateful to
talk to The Economistabout
how innovation is reshaping
our economy. And I was happy
to share thoughts about how
we promote competition.
You reported that, “unlike
authorities in other rich coun-
tries” Canada’s Competition
Bureau “cannot compel firms
to provide information.” It is
true that Canada cannot
compel information for
market studies. However, we
do use available tools,
including applications to our
federal courts, to compel firms
to provide the information we
are seeking in enforcement
matters. We also discussed
Canada’s efficiencies defence,

whereby increased efficiencies
attributable to a merger may be
used as a defence against the
merger’s anti-competitive
effects. Your report included
my comment that the principle
of allowing anti-competitive
mergers should be, “at the very
least” limited to exporting
companies. More precisely, it
is that the availability of the
efficiencies defence should be,
at the very least, strictly limit-
ed to exporting companies.
The Competition Bureau is
working hard to make sure that
a fair, competitive and trust-
worthy marketplace endures in
matthew boswell
Commissioner of competition

A parting memory of home
The murals and floor of the
airport in Caracas represent
much more than just “kinetic
art” (“Art that moves”, August
3rd). All Venezuelans who have
emigrated have taken a picture
of their feet on the broken tiles
of Carlos Cruz-Diez’s floor, as
we say goodbye. We do not just
pause to admire the art. We
pause to cry. We pause to linger
a few minutes more with our
families. Those broken tiles
have seen our youth emigrate
with nothing but a suitcase and
hope. It is powerful art that
captures an entire country’s
sorrow and longing.
ricardo rosas
Basel, Switzerland

The last days of Wilhelm II
I was surprised to learn that
enough of the belongings of
the Hohenzollern family had
remained in Germany to be
subject to legal actions (“Jaco-
bin fury”, August 3rd). Some
time after the dethroned Kaiser
Wilhelm II was given asylum in
the Netherlands in 1918, he
purchased Huis Doorn, a villa
in the centre of the country. He
then miraculously managed to
obtain permission from the
Weimar Republic to retrieve
most of his personal belong-
ings. Since 1956 the villa and its
opulent contents have been a
charming but often overlooked

After meeting Hermann
Goering, Wilhelm realised the
true intentions of the Nazis,
and that these did not include
the restoration of the German
monarchy. He therefore
arranged to be interred in a
mausoleum on the grounds of
Huis Doorn, next to his favour-
ite dachshunds. His final wish
that no Nazis or swastikas
would be present at his funeral
in 1941 was rudely ignored.
hans barnard
Associate researcher
Cotsen Institute of
University of California, Los

Party harmony
Your report on seating arrange-
ments in parliaments around
the world (“Better politics by
design”, July 27th) brought to
mind the seating of choruses.
Traditionally, choruses are
clustered in sections: soprano,
alto, tenor, bass. Thus, singers
can be corralled by their
section leaders (by political
analogy, party whips) and led
by the stronger voices.
Some conductors, however,
like to challenge their choris-
ters by seating them randomly.
The choristers’ immediate
neighbours are likely to be
from sections other than their
own, forcing them to tune in to
one another. Section leaders
have less control, but the
chorus is more harmonious.
david corbett
Exeter, New Hampshire

What’s in the fine print?
Thinking about people’s
tendency neither to read nor
understand contracts (“Critical
conditions”, July 27th) they
should always be aware of
what’s written down, because
while The Large Print Giveth,
The Small Print Taketh Away.
chris marler
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