The Economist USA - 31.08.2019

(vip2019) #1
The EconomistAugust 31st 2019 5

1 Contents continues overleaf


The world this week
7 A summary of political
and business news

9 Populism
Democracy’s enemies
10 Brexit
Who’s gonna stop him?
11 Opioids
Avoidable pain
11 Security in Asia
Slight club
12 Vertical farming
Plant power

14 On cash, the railways,
Canada, Venezuela,
Wilhelm II, harmony,

15 Hungary
The entanglement
of powers

United States
19 The American economy
20 America’s rip-off estate
21 The other primary
21 Campaign swag
22 Criminal-justice policy
23 LexingtonThe
Kochtopus’s garden

The Americas
24 Colombia’s impoverished
Pacific coast
25 BelloBolsonaro and the

26 The feud between Japan
and South Korea
27 Tourism in Thailand
28 Saving New Zealand’s
28 Corruption in India
29 BanyanEthnic conflict in

30 A crackdown on gambling
31 Closing a critical
32 ChaguanSubduing Hong
Kong by stealth

Middle East & Africa
33 Israel v Iran
34 Stalemate in Algeria
35 New African airlines
35 End times in Congo?
36 Trouble in Botswana

ChaguanHow China
might bring Hong Kong
to heel without sending
troops from the
mainland, page 32

On the cover

Cynicism is gnawing at
Western democracies: leader,
page 9. How the government
of Viktor Orban hollowed out
Hungary: briefing,page 15

  • Who will stop a no-deal
    Brexit?Boris Johnson has
    sidelined Parliament and set a
    course to leave the European
    Union without a deal. MPs
    can—and must—act now to
    stop him: leader,page 10. The
    government sends MPs home,
    page 41. An unlikely bunch of
    Conservatives are rebelling:
    Bagehot, page 44

  • Opioids: pain and payouts
    Legal settlements alone will not
    solve America’s opioid crisis:
    leader,page 11. Drugmakers in
    the dock, page 47

  • Why vertical farming is on
    the up Would you like some
    vertically grown mizuna with
    that? Leader,page 12. A new way
    to make farming stack up,
    page 60

  • Macron re-JovenatedFrance’s
    president reclaims his country ’s
    international role,page 37

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