Scientific American - 09.2019

(Darren Dugan) #1
September 2019, 15


Field Museum




Microstructures in plastic
produce colorful portraits

For millennia humans have created art with
pigment-based paints, inks and dyes. Now
researchers have produced tiny plastic paint-
ings whose colors come from variations in
microscopic surface features instead.
Pigments are chemicals that absorb cer-
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iridescent blue wings and the striking feath-
ers of some hummingbirds—produce colors
based on the size and spacing of micro-
structures on their surfaces, which interact
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Many plastics form minuscule cracks,
called crazes, when put under stress.
Typically these fractures occur randomly
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some plastics to light beams can selective-
ly weaken them in places, where crazes
will appear when the plastic is stressed.
“You can actually control where the cracks
form,” says materials scientist and study
co-author Andrew Gibbons of Kyoto Uni-

versity in Japan. Depending on size and
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Gibbons and his colleagues shone pow-
erful LEDs on thin pieces of plastic and then
dunked them in acetic acid, generating
crazes in the places preweakened by light.
length of light to which the section of plastic
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was published in June in Nature.
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each region hit by light and the thickness of
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ers produced miniature renderings of classic
paintings and even a Queen album cover.
(The smallest was 0. 25 millimeter across.)

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scientist Christopher Soles of the National
Institute of Standards and Technology,
who was not involved in the study. “Usual-
ly crazing in materials is a very bad thing,”
Soles notes, “but here the crazes are use-
ful.” He was surprised the process worked
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including polystyrene, polycarbonate and
acrylic glass—used in food containers, CD
cases and bulletproof glass, respectively.
Gibbons says crazing could potentially
create a durable plastic coating for cur-
rency or high-end merchandise to dis-
courage counterfeiters. And the micro-
structures can produce more than pretty
pictures. Eventually he hopes the tech-
nique could be used to create devices that
store microscopic amounts of liquid for
medical analysis. — Jennifer Leman


A Migrating


For young sharks, land-based
birds can be easy targets

=šx³‰äšxߞxäbiologist James Drymon
noticed feathers in the vomit of a tiger shark,
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unfortunate seabird: a gull, perhaps, or a
cally sequenced the feathers, the results sur-
prised them: the quills came from a land-
based songbird called a brown thrasher. So
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Drymon, a researcher at Mississippi
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through the stomach contents of 105 juve-
nile tiger sharks between 2010 and 2018.
Nearly 40 percent had recently feasted on
birds that hail from dry land. In all, the scien-
tists counted 11 terrestrial bird species show-
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were published online in May in Ecology.
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that sharks sometimes eat songbirds, “but
what was interesting to us was the preva-
lence” of the behavior, Drymon says. “This is

something that happens every year in a high
number” of sharks.
Every fall and spring, songbirds under-
take dramatic migrations across the Gulf of
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can be forced to land on the water—which is
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for the number of migrants that die because
of storm-related events is in the billions,”
Dr ymon says. He suspects that sharks have
long taken advantage of this twice-yearly
nutritional bounty raining down from the
skies, but scientists have only recently had
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ing partially digested feathers.
The results underscore how intercon-
nected marine and terrestrial ecosystems
can be, says University of Miami marine
ecologist Neil Hammerschlag, who was
not involved in the study: “It shows how
opportunistic and amazingly generalist
these sharks are.” — Jason G. Goldman

Girl with a Pearl Earring, by Johannes
Vermeer, re-created in polystyrene


Kyoto University

Songbird from
a tiger shark’s
Free download pdf