Scientific American - 09.2019

(Darren Dugan) #1


16 Scientific American, September 2019


Vanderbilt University



for Science

A devious treadmill prompts
stumbles to study balance

A study participant walks briskly on a
treadmill, video cameras recording his
every move, when a 35-pound metal block
suddenly appears in his path. Special eye-
glasses prevent him from seeing it, and he
stumbles, lurching forward—until he is
caught by a safety harness. One trip down,
dozens more to go.
Researchers developed the treacherous
treadmill to study how people regain their
footing after tripping. They knew this usu-
ally means taking an exaggerated step that
allows the central nervous system to reori-
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footing, says Michael Goldfarb, a mechani-
cal engineer at Vanderbilt University and

co-author of the treadmill study. But “the
way you do that changes depending on
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when you stumbled,” Goldfarb adds.
People with prosthetic legs often
struggle to recover from a stumble and
thus fall at far higher rates than the gener-
al population. Understanding how people
trip and recover on two legs could help
researchers design better prosthetics.
To trigger genuine tripping, research-
ers had to deliver the heavy blocks surrep-
titiously. Goldfarb and his colleagues’
apparatus, described in June in the Journal
of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation,
works because it can place a heavy block
on the treadmill so delicately that partici-
pants do not perceive it until they have
already tripped. An algorithm determines
where to place the block so the research-
ers can observe stumble responses at dif-
ferent points in a subject’s gait.
The surprise is key, but participants in
this kind of study know they will eventually
be tripped up—which could confound

results, says Mark Grabiner, a biomechani-
cist at the University of Illinois at Chicago,
who was not involved in the new work.
Researchers have taken various approaches
to this problem in the past, sometimes not
even telling participants they are in a trip-
ping study, Grabiner says. The new study’s
stealthy design is “an incremental improve-
ment over existing technologies”—a step in
the right direction—he adds.
In the next phase of the study, Goldfarb
says, his team will use the tripping data to
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a variety of situations in prosthetic limbs.
—Jim Daley

Researchers successfully
triggered 190 stumbles.



of Giants

Frog generations thrive
in elephants’ footprints

As herpetologist Steven Platt trudged
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Inn wetland in Myanmar (formerly Bur-
ma) during a 2016 dry-season expedition,
something strange caught his eye: Frisbee-
sized pools brimming with clusters of frog
eggs and wriggling tadpoles.
The watery pockmarks were old ele-
phant tracks. Platt, who works at the Wild-
life Conser vation Society, realized that in
the parched landscape these puddles may
be a lifeline for the next generation of
frogs. “It made me wonder how important
these tracks—really, tiny little ponds—
might be for all the smaller things that are
out there,” he says.
Elephants are often cited as ecosystem
engineers. They knock over trees, trample
brush, prune branches and disperse seeds,

enhancing biodiversity and helping main-
tain savannas and forests.
Many researchers focus on these big-
picture impacts, but Platt realized other
important ones may be right at the ele-
phants’ feet. When he returned to the site
in 2017, he found tracks in the same spot—
and the tadpoles and eggs were back, too.
Resembling a series of frog-sized Jacuzzis,
the tracks appear to act as small breeding
sites linking together larger wetland patch-
es during the dry season, Platt and his co-
authors reported in May in Mammalia.
Such microcosms of life are probably
commonplace, Platt says, but almost “no
one bothered to look before.” A 2017 paper

published in the African Journal of Ecology —
possibly the only other study that has
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tracks—supports his hunch: its authors
found dozens of invertebrate species and
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cially created puddles in Uganda.
According to Chris Thouless, who directs
the Elephant Crisis Fund at the Kenya-based
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involved in the new research, the Myanmar
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the interconnectivity in the natural world,
between the largest and one of the smallest
creatures in the landscape.” But habitat loss
and poaching threaten elephants throughout
their range, Thouless says, and scientists do
not know whether frog populations will
crash if elephants disappear from the land-
scape—or whether “new ecological relation-
ships will develop that re-create at least part
of the lost complexity of the system.”
Platt guesses that at least some of that
complexity is irreplaceable. “As the ele-
phants go,” he says, “probably a lot of
relationships we don’t even know any-
thing about at this point go, too.”
— Rachel Nuwer
Illustration by Thomas Fuchs
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