Scientific American - 09.2019

(Darren Dugan) #1
2 Scientific American, September 2019

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Lonely Planets
It has been 30 years since the Voyager 2 spacecraft flew by Neptune,
which like its planetary sibling Uranus is an “ice giant” world in the
outer solar system. Now some scientists are contemplating a return.
Go to


4 From the Editor
6 Letters
8 Science Agenda
Everyone is an agent in the new information
warfare. By the Editors
10 Forum
Disabilities make us better scientists.
By Gabi Serrato Marks and Skylar Bayer
12 Advances
Ancient creatures traveled. Making a perfect
crepe. A fern’s fronds filter arsenic. Robot cluster.
22 The Science of Health
Vitamin megadoses and the risk of fractures.
By Claudia Wallis
24 Ventures
Apple’s amazing new screen delivers.
By Wade Roush
96 Recommended
How opium has poisoned our world. Femicide
in Tijuana. Quantum mechanics revealed.
By Andrea Gawrylewski
97 The Intersection
Shaky medical info from the Web.
By Zeynep Tufekci
98 Anti Gravity
Best become comfortable with the unknown—
it’s not going anywhere.^ By Steve Mirsky
99 50, 100 & 150 Years Ago
100 Graphic Science
Does obesity shorten lives? By Alberto Cairo




For the cover and
inside pages of this
special issue, we
asked the artists at
Red Nose Studio to
‰³l_ ̧³_ßxîxÿCāä
to illustrate the
abstract themes
of truth, lies and
ø³_xßîCž³îāÍ ̧ß
the illustrations on
pages 28, 48 and 72,
the artists took
inspiration from
îšxäCāž³îšCî ̧³§ā
“fools and children
Illustration by
Red Nose Studio.
Free download pdf