Science - 30.08.2019

(Rick Simeone) #1

SCIENCE 30 AUGUST 2019 • VOL 365 ISSUE 6456 855

individual evolution and ecology projects
with Mimulus and, more recently, supported
a $1 million effort to develop efficient tech-
niques for altering traits in those plants.
“A large, organized, and growing research
community is using this system,” says evolu-
tionary geneticist Theodore Morgan, a pro-
gram officer at NSF in Alexandria, Virginia. A
monkeyflower meeting in Providence in June
drew about 70 biologists, more than triple the
number who attended the first one 13 years
ago. The number of publications on Mimulus
still isn’t huge—about 425—but that tally has
grown rapidly in the past decade.
Some researchers are exploring monkey-
flowers’ own unusual adaptations. But other
scientists are turning the flowers into a win-
dow on widespread biological processes.
Yuan, for example, recently teamed up with
another lab to use Mimulus mutants with
odd petal color patterns to provide the most
detailed example yet of mathematician Alan
Turing’s scenario for how zebra stripes, leop-
ard spots, and some floral patterns arise

in nature. Another team examining how
monkeyflowers mutate as they grow re-
vealed a mechanism that may enable many
plants to evolve faster than animals.
The field may even have its first seri-
ous controversy: Some researchers are
rejecting a recent revision of the monkey-
flower family tree that split the more than
100 Mimulus species into multiple genera,
creating confusion in the scientific literature
by renaming the most studied monkeyflower
species. The researchers’ passion is a mea-
sure of the enthusiasm the new model plant
arouses. One opponent of the new tree, John
Willis, an evolutionary geneticist at Duke
University in Durham, North Carolina, says
flatly, “We’re not going to take it anymore.”

cinated by Mimulus, which is found world-
wide, often in the harshest spots, such as the
bare islands of “serpentine”
soil that dot the forests of
California’s Sierra Nevada
mountains. Plant ecologists
have conducted field studies
of wild Mimulus for 80 years.
Last year, for example, re-
searchers documented popu-
lations of Mimulus guttatus
that contain a mix of in-
dividuals with different
flowering times, flower
sizes, and number of
seeds produced. The late-
flowering plants do better
in wet years, and early-

plenty of toxic heavy metals, such as nickel
and chromium.
Willis and his Duke postdoc Jessica Selby
recently crossed serpentine-tolerant monkey-
flowers with versions of the plant that were
not growing on serpentine soil. The duo
tested several generations to identify DNA
important to the trait. To narrow the hunt
for relevant genes, Selby collected M. gutta-
tus specimens from serpentine soils in seven
places across California and Oregon and
compared their DNA with that of populations
of M. guttatus living nearby, on richer soil.
Both approaches pointed to a gene for
an enzyme that makes arabinose, a sugar
found primarily in the plant cell wall, Willis
reported. That gene varies among M. gut-
tatus plants, but every plant that can grow
on serpentine soils has the same mutation.
It may alter how arabinose interacts with
other components of the cell wall, some-
how compensating for the low calcium and
high magnesium and keeping cell walls
intact—an idea Willis’s team is testing with
researchers from the University of Califor-
nia (UC), Berkeley, and
Stanford University.
By harnessing popula-
tion genetics and other
gene-finding techniques,
Willis “was way ahead of
the curve in seeing how ge-
nomics could make the tre-
mendous natural variation
in plants knowable at the
level of the gene,” says Lila
Fishman, an evolutionary
biologist at the University
of Montana in Missoula.
The work could have prac-
tical benefits as well, adds
Benjamin Blackman, an evolutionary biolo-
gist at UC Berkeley: “Learning how plants
have already adapted to cope with marginal
soil environments can inform breeding ef-
forts aimed at developing crops that can
cope with poor soil.”
Besides probing monkeyflowers’ own
special biology, researchers are using them
to glean more general lessons about plants
and animals. Take Yuan and Blackman’s
work on color patterning. Blackman’s lab
originally studied sunflowers. But M. gut-
tatus appealed to him for studies of the ge-
netic basis of patterning because its simple
genome had been sequenced—making it
easier to test the role of particular genes
and proteins by genetically modifying the
plant. Independently, he and Yuan homed
in on the same protein, which they thought
might be a key to flower color patterns.
Yuan and UConn postdoc Baoqing Ding
had recently tracked down the gene that
causes red pigment to appear on the yellow

Red “tongue” Mimulus mutants
revealed how coloration arises.

The great diversity of flowers within
Mimulus is one reason the plants
have become a popular subject of study.


flowering ones do better in years when
drought hits early in the season. Because
the amount of rain varies from year to year,
the two variants coexist in a population, al-
though the proportions change over time.
The work, reported last year in Science
(3 August 2018, p. 475), provided long-sought
proof of an evolutionary phenomenon
called fluctuating selection, in which chang-
ing conditions cause a species to evolve in
multiple directions. Theorists have proposed
that fluctuating selection helps explain the
extensive variation seen in many other spe-
cies besides monkeyflowers.
At the June Mimulus meeting, Willis re-
vealed a major clue to another monkey-
flower mystery: the plants’ affinity for
serpentine soils. Because they derive from
Earth mantle rock, those soils are rich in
iron and magnesium but low in potassium
and calcium, which plants depend on to
maintain their cell walls. The soils also tend
to have little nitrogen, vital for plants, but

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