Good Housekeeping USA – September 2019

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
Harsh light reflection can do more than make it
hard to see. “Glare from reflective surfaces such
as lakes, swimming pools, computer screens,
snow and ice can lead to eyestrain,” says Marc
Grossman, O.D., coauthor of Natural Eye Care:
Your Guide to Healthy Vision & Healing. That
eyestrain can, in turn, result in headaches.
To reduce glare at a computer, adjust the
angle and height of your screen as well as your
sitting position. It also helps to clean the screen,
wear dark clothing, place an anti-glare cover

over your screen and increase the brightness.
“One of the times glare is most annoying
and potentially dangerous is while driving into
the sun,” says Grossman. For better vision in
any situation, he says, glasses with a special
anti-glare coating are a smart investment.

GH Seal star
Crizal Sapphire 360 UV Lenses, from $180, LAB LOWDOWN These antireflec-
tive lenses help reduce glare so you can stay
focused. They also provide UV protection.

Glare that can cause

eyestrain or accidents

vision danger

A bad


Look no further than your

kitchen cupboard. “Use

a teaspoon of Manuka

honey to soothe your

throat every few hours,”

says Dr. Carnahan.

“Gargling salt water with

honey and lemon can also

help, as can sipping hot

lemon water.” Coughing

can last four to six weeks

after the flu, but if you

don’t have a diagnosis

and your cough persists

for more than 10 to

14 days, it’s a good idea

to see your doctor to

make sure nothing more

serious is going on.

GH seal star

Vicks VapoRub, from $5,
LAB LOWDOWN When rubbed
on the chest, neck or back, this
camphor, menthol and eucalyptus
ointment can temporarily relieve
coughing. Plus, it can be used on
kids as young as 2.

Feeling run-down? While that’s often a part of getting older, there are things you
can do to age more healthfully. Over time, a compound in your cells called nicotinamide
adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) begins to decline. NAD+ is necessary for creating energy,
regulating circadian rhythms and maintaining healthy DNA. It also supports proteins that
can contribute to longevity. You can’t turn back time, but you can take Elysium Health’s
Basis supplement to boost NAD+ levels (from $40 a bottle, GH was
impressed with its research, which earned Elysium Health the GH Innovation Emblem.

GH urges readers to look
at serving sizes and nutri-
tional info before order-
ing at chain restaurants.

After a three-year investigation, GH publishes “Is Your Tap Water Safe?” —
the first study testing the ability of consumer water filters to remove
emerging contaminants such as pharmaceuticals, from water. The story,
and author Rachael Moeller Gorman, goes on to win the Endocrine Society’s
annual Award for Excellence in Science and Medical Journalism.








SEPTEMBER 2019 GH (^77)

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