14 The EconomistAugust 17th 2019
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History lessons
Given Bagehot’s disdain for
those who fiddle with
footnotes, it is hardly surpris-
ing that he gives no evidence
for his claim that academic
historians have neglected the
study of politics, power and
nation states in favour of the
marginal, the poor and
everyday life (July 20th).
Today’s course offerings and
publishers’ lists suggest that
political and military history
are alive and well in Britain.
The websites of the university
presses of Oxford and Cam-
bridge include recent books by
historians on the Peterloo
massacre, Hitler, administra-
tion and war in colonial India,
American foreign relations,
medieval Anglo-papal
relations, the German nation-
state and 21st-century general-
ship, to name just a few. A
search of British university
websites reveals an array of
history courses on politics, war
and power.
I am baffled by the assertion
that academic scholars are
isolated in professional
cocoons. Many historians,
besides the three mentioned
by Bagehot, appear on or
consult with the bbc, tweet on
current issues and write pieces
in mass-market publications.
It is true that history enrol-
ments are falling, and that the
level of historical knowledge
among Americans and Britons
is disappointing. But reversing
these trends requires analysis
of their causes, not evidence-
free straw men.
sara lipton
Professor of history
State University of New York at
Stony Brook
Never have so many attendees
at history festivals, book-
buyers, students and school-
teachers benefited from the
efforts of academic historians.
The global success of Radio 4’s
“In Our Time” depends on the
contributions of experts.
History in Britain is rightly
viewed as a sensible education;
training for careers in muse-
ums, charities, the law, jour-
nalism, design, theatre, the
civil service and more. Young
people tell us they choose to
study history at university not
only out of interest, but
because they understand that
history will prepare them well
for a world of change, complex-
ity and diversity.
All forms of expertise have
been denigrated and
lampooned of late. The popular
history Bagehot celebrates,
especially on television, is
often forced by the medium to
be formulaic and sensational.
Our public conversations have
become sites of emotive
outbursts, rather than
reasoned exchanges where
historical understanding can
be marshalled. History is alive
and well in our universities,
but do we deserve it?
miri rubin
Professor of medieval and early
modern history
Queen Mary University of
Bagehot correctly laments the
absurd bureaucracy of modern
academia, then blames histori-
ans for the result. Grand books
of the sort he likes now carry
heavy penalties for author and
university if they cannot be
fitted into the time frame of the
research assessment exercise.
He may lament the days of
A.J.P. Taylor, but few newspa-
pers are interested in informed
comment, and television
prefers to take the work of
academics and put it into the
mouths of more scenic pre-
senters. There is not much
historians can do about that.
He yearns for more books
on great men and battles, and
more constitutional history of
the old sort. But if you want a
good biography of Gladstone or
a sound account of parliamen-
tary procedure after the Great
Reform (and few do) there are
excellent ones already. Why
should historians spend their
time, and other peoples’ mon-
ey, repeating what has been
done so well before? When a
non-academic fulfils Bagehot’s
requirement for men and
battles, the results are some-
times excellent (Antony
Beevor), but are equally often
unreliable vanity projects.
Does he seriously want aca-
demics to emulate Jacob Rees-
Mogg on the Victorians, or
Boris Johnson on Churchill?
Historians are producing
more interesting books than
they have done for years, large-
ly because they are no longer
shackled by an Anglocentric
perspective. Peter Frankopan’s
book on the Silk Roads and
global histories by Chris Bayly
or John Darwin are only a few
examples. Moreover, Lyndal
Roper is unknown only to
those with a very parochial
range of interests. Her
biography of Luther was widely
reviewed, commercially
published and sold exception-
ally well in many countries.
iain pears
As founding members of the
new Society for the History of
War, we were surprised by
Bagehot’s comment that “con-
stitutional and military affairs
are all but ignored” in British
universities. Far from it. The
history of warfare is an excep-
tionally lively field. Academic
historians played key roles in
the recent commemorations of
the first world war and D-Day.
We would, moreover, contest
the distinction Bagehot draws
between military affairs and
“marginal” topics. The well-
known adage that an army
marches on its stomach makes
the point that no competent
military strategist should
dismiss everyday life experi-
ence, still less the gendered
question of who cooks.
peter wilson
Professor of the history of war
University of Oxford
Recently retired after 48 years
of teaching history, I concur
with Bagehot’s lament. In 1995
James McPherson, an eminent
historian on the American civil
war, wrote an essay, “What’s
the Matter With History?”
Although his “Battle Cry of
Freedom” won the Pulitzer
prize, it didn’t receive an award
from any of the professional
historian associations. Mr
McPherson recounted how a
colleague told him that he was
in danger of becoming a
popular historian, rather than
a historian’s historian. When
he asked why he could not be
both, his colleague only
“smiled sadly” at his naivety.
steve kramer
The problem with teaching
history in Britain starts in the
school curriculum. There is no
British narrative. British stu-
dents pass history exams
without understanding any-
thing about this country’s
history, such as the evolution
of Parliament. They know
more about the American civil-
rights movement than they do
the partition of India, the
Commonwealth or Windrush.
carol grose
The learning of history is
changing with the times.
History tours are among the
most popular tourist activities
in European cities. Archae-
ological sites such as Pompeii,
Machu Picchu and Petra are
some of the most visited places
in the world. CrashCourse, a
series of quirky history videos
on YouTube enjoyed by teen-
agers and adults, gets millions
of views. At the Radical Tea
Towel Company (where I work)
our weekly history newsletter
reaches more than 40,
people in Britain and America.
matthew buccelli
Bagehot’s ruminations about
the state of history as an aca-
demic discipline brought me
back to a time when I faced
similar concerns, as I consid-
ered whether or not to pursue a
doctorate in history. In the end,
I followed my mentor’s advice:
“If you want to truly study
history nowadays, you should
concentrate on international
relations or economics.”
ore koren
Assistant professor
Department of Political
Indiana University
Bloomington, Indiana