The EconomistAugust 17th 2019 Europe 21
alsobeseenasa firststeptowardsbuilding
a ladderdownwhichhecanretreatfrom
Expecting an election, he has taken
still rememberthesnootycontempt for
southerners that heand hisparty once
ablycountona smallpartyofformerneo-
ofvictoryhealsoneedsa dealwithMrBer-
lusconi’s much-depleted Forza Italia
met beforethe Senate vote.Butthen it
ingdidnottakeplace.Fora politicianoften
MrSalvinisuddenlylooksvulnerable. 7
t is 20years this month since then-Presi-
dent Boris Yeltsin appointed a shadowy
security chief called Vladimir Putin as Rus-
sia’s prime minister. The next New Year’s
Eve, the ailing Mr Yeltsin would install the
ex-kgbman as his successor. On the anni-
versary of his ascent to power, Mr Putin has
little reason to celebrate.
On August 10th, as they have for the past
five weekends, Russians took to the streets
of Moscow to demand that opposition poli-
ticians unfairly barred from next month’s
city-council polls should be allowed to run
after all. Waving white, red and blue Rus-
sian flags, an estimated 50,000-60,000
protesters flooded a broad avenue. “Russia
will be free!” they chanted. It was the big-
gest opposition rally since 2012—after Mr
Putin’s pals again bamboozled a ballot.
The city council has little power. But the
blatant interference has transformed what
should have been mundane elections into
a political crisis for the Kremlin. Although
often derided as fringe figures, many of the
aspiring opposition candidates were
poised to win seats. Mr Putin seems deter-
mined to deny his critics even a foothold
The mounting protests come at a dan-
gerous time for Mr Putin, whose ratings
have been sliding since his government in-
troduced a five-year increase in the nation-
al pension age last summer. An invigorated
opposition movement is focused squarely
on the city-council election. But the prot-
ests are rapidly turning into a broader ex-
pression of anger over high-level corrup-
tion and widespread poverty. The
government’s own statistics agency, Ros-
stat, admitted this month that over a quar-
ter of Russian children are poor.
The opposition movement is being en-
dorsed by a growing number of music stars
and celebrities. Yevgeny Kafelnikov, a for-
mer world-number-one tennis player, is
backing the protests, as is Yury Dud, a You-
Tube blogger with millions of followers.
Ivan Dremin, a popular rapper better
known by his stage name, Face, performed
at Saturday’s rally. “Taking to the streets
has become prestigious,” writes Abbas Gal-
lyamov, a former Kremlin speechwriter
turned political analyst.
The opposition’s show of strength came
after a crackdown aimed at stifling dis-
sent—a tactic that worked in 2011-12. Since
the protests began on July 14th, baton-
wielding riot police have arrested more
than 2,500 people, often violently. Al-
though many of the protesters were quick-
ly released, 14 people are facing up to eight
years in prison on dubious charges of
“mass unrest”. Among them is a man who
is accused of throwing an empty plastic
bottle at police.
The protests are also providing the op-
position with new figureheads. Most
prominent is Lyubov Sobol, a 31-year-old
lawyer who works with the anti-corruption
organisation run by Alexei Navalny, a
prominent critic of the Kremlin. Ms Sobol,
who went on hunger strike in a bid to force
her way onto the city-council ballot, was
dragged out of her office and arrested by
police ahead of last weekend’s rally.
The danger for Mr Putin now is that the
protests will trigger a chain reaction
throughout Russia. At a state-organised fo-
rum in southern Russia this weekend, par-
ticipants, including members of the ruling
party’s own youth wing, voiced grievances
over corruption and inequality that would
not have sounded out of place at a Moscow
opposition rally. “We have only one sol-
ution—revolution,” said one young wom-
an. “We are like an explosive cocktail. We
are ready to go off.” 7
Vladimir Putin’s critics are getting
stronger, despite the repression
Not going away
Democracy in Russia
he moodmusic had grown so ominous
that the shock was somewhat muted.
After weeks of dismal survey and industri-
al-output numbers, it was little surprise to
learn on August 14th that Germany’s gdp
had contracted by 0.1% in the second quar-
ter of 2019 compared with the previous
three months. The economy has been es-
sentially flat over the past year. Household
spending, bolstered by wage growth in a
tight labour market, has held up but the
slump in manufacturing, which represents
over one-fifth of output, is deepening.
Companies are cutting work hours and is-
suing profit warnings. Many analysts think
Germany is heading for outright recession.
This has triggered two debates. First, are
Germany’s woes home-made or imported?
The economy has shrunk. Could the
government open the spending taps?
Germany’s economy
Ground to a halt