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4 Contents The EconomistAugust 17th 2019
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Volume 432 Number 9156
38 Afghan peace talks
39 Kashmir’s clampdown
40 Drama in Kyrgyzstan
40 A sultana in Java?
41 Hong Kong in turmoil
42 When tourists perform
43 ChaguanBlack hands in
Hong Kong
44 The new censors
47 India Inc’s Modi blues
49 Saudi Aramco’s awkward
earnings debut
49 Chinese tech resilience
50 Viacom and CBS reunited
51 WeWork sets out its stall
52 Schumpeter FredEx
Finance & economics
53 The trade war’s costs
55 Making sense of markets
55 The chill from Brexit
56 Goldman in Malaysia
56 Bond insurers’ woes
57 Costing climate change
58 Debt and despair in
Sri Lanka
59 Free exchangeThe end of
Science & technology
60 Fooling face recognition
61 A nuclear accident
62 Two treatments for Ebola
62 P-P-Pick up a penguin
Books & arts
64 Mick Herron’s spies
65 Reagan and Gorbachev
66 Music and morals
66 A magical Western
Economic & financial indicators
68 Statisticson 42 economies
Graphic detail
69 ViolenceinAfghanistanlastyearwasworsethan in Syria
70 Toni Morrison, chronicler of black America