New Scientist - 24.08.2019

(Steven Felgate) #1
24 August 2019 | New Scientist | 1

12 Protecting wildlife Global summit considers bans on saiga trade



Picture of the week Share your photos
on the theme of ‘discovery’
We’d like to feature your photos of the wonders of science and technology
in our upcoming picture of the week slot. The first theme will be “discovery”.
Send us your discovery-themed photos, with a short (25 words maximum)
description, to [email protected] by 10am on Tuesday
27 August. We’ll publish our favourite in the 7 September issue of
New Scientist and share it on Instagram the following week.
(Terms and conditions at

On the

14 Cut carbs, cut headaches
Ketogenic diet could
help migraines

38 Melding minds
Artificial intelligence is
making humans smarter

42 Electric plants
China’s high-tech plan
to boost crop yields


Christiana Figueres
talks about next steps
on climate change.
For more information,

Vol 243 No 3244
Cover image: Oska

34 Have we got the
universe the wrong
way round?
A radical rethink of
quantum theory

12 Elephants, antelopes...
Summit debates big
mammal protection

6 Miraculous moss 8 Alien biofluorescence 20 Marketing in space
7 More quantum weirdness

This week’s issue




7 Entangled worlds
Quantum theorem may prove
there are parallel universes

9 Hi-tech healthcare
Can artificial intelligence really
transform hospitals?

15 Smart weapons
The US Army is developing
AI missiles that find their
own targets

23 Comment
The warring Brexit sides
must compromise, says
Andre Geim

24 The columnist
Annalee Newitz calls for
the demise of YouTube

26 Letters
We need to talk about the
natural pesticides in our food

28 Aperture
The transient beauty of
iridescent bubbles captured

30 Culture
Jennifer Gunter on why she
wrote The Vagina Bible

51 Maker
How to create a rain alarm

52 Puzzles
Cryptic crossword, a moon
problem and the quick quiz

53 Feedback
Nature on the attack and unusual
units: the week in weird

54 Almost the last word
A safari guide’s visual skills, and
sneezing – readers respond

56 The Q&A
Catherine Lubetzki, multiple
sclerosis research pioneer

34 Have we got the universe
the wrong way round?
Lee Smolin on the theory lurking
beyond quantum physics

38 Melding minds
AI is changing the way we think

42 Electric plants
Can electricity boost crop yields?

46 Fighting malaria
Brian Gitta’s new test could save
millions of lives

The back pages

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