New Scientist - 24.08.2019

(Steven Felgate) #1

52 | New Scientist | 24 August 2019

The back pages Puzzles

Cryptic crossword #13 Set by Sparticle Quick quiz #17 Puzzle set by Zoe Mensch

#18 Cable on the moon

It is the year 2100, and the
Moon Colonisation Programme
is well-advanced.
A power cable is being laid all the
way around the moon’s equator. The
original plan was to put the cable on the
moon’s surface, but it has been suggested
that instead it should be buried in a trench
that is 1-metre deep. This will make it
safer and will also save on the amount
of cable needed.
How much shorter will the cable be if
it is buried in this way?

Answer next week

#17 Which flipping year?

The date with the biggest flipping difference
since the Romans conquered Britain was,
fittingly, 1066, the year of another invasion.

9901 – 1066 = 8835.

The digits that are flippable on an old-style
calculator display are 0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 8 and 9.

1 With which cosmological
discovery are the names of
Vera Rubin and Fritz Zwicky
particularly associated?

2 What is the name given
to materials engineered to
bend light waves in particular
ways in their interior, leading
to potential applications
such as Harry Potter-style
“invisibility cloaks”?

3 What distinction does the
volcanic peak Chimborazo in
Ecuador hold, one that puts
Mount Everest in the shade?

4 A complete or partial
third copy of which
chromosome is the cause
of Down’s syndrome?

5 With a maximum air
speed approaching
400 kilometres per hour
when diving, what is the
world’s fastest bird?

Answers below

Crossword #38

ACROSS 8 JUST, 9 Eigenvalue,
10 Lorenz, 11 Shinbone,
12 Muon, 13 Double Bond,
17 Rust, 18 Image, 19 Hard,
20 Perihelion, 22 Moon,
23 Red Dwarf, 27 Isomer,
28 Vacuum Seal, 29 Dust

DOWN 1 Sudoku Cube,
2 Ethernet, 3 Benzedrine,
4 Eggs, 5 Anti, 6 Baobab,
7 Quin, 14 Umami, 15 Lee-
Enfield, 16 Narcolepsy,
19 Humboldt, 21 Indium,
24 Et al, 25 Acme, 26 Feet

Quick quiz #17

Dark matter 1

Metamaterials 2

It is the highest point on Earth’s 3

surface measured from its

centre, thanks to our planet’s

equatorial bulge

Chromosome 21 4

The peregrine falcon, 5

Falco peregrinus





1 Larger Reiki club overturned
and vacuous cognoscenti
expelled (7)
5 Succumb rapidly to reveal
inner darkness (5)
8 Incorrectly opening a great
gulf between X and Y? (10,3)
9 Indicating more than
one unbreakable piece
of glass (5)
10 Vehicle used to promote
a movie (7)
12 Admen I excite with
middling value (6)

13 Emphasise mental strain (6)
16 In the years after Christ’s
birth, the Lord God was
a monster (7)
18 Requires detective
sergeant to refer to one’s
birth name first (5)
20 Curiously, a tidal quarrel
has four sides (13)
22 Depot contents: a pair of
axes and some glue (5)
23 Play low card, leading to
45 years of subdued
hostility (4,3)

Answers and the next quick crossword next week.

1 Swampland American is
insincere (5)
2 Some non-zero quantity of
fat surrounding item of
conference attire (7)
3 Let aid arrive from the
south, partly to give an
X-ray (9)
4 Inappropriate to rate spin (6)
5 How unpleasantness
begins: with initial focus
on alien craft (3)
6 Bread roll to grow old in the
British Library (5)
7 Polish mothers besieging
French fathers for electrical
units (7)

11 Natalie lost two extremities
after ascending Etna during
pregnancy (9)
12 Monkey micturates a little
following sound of
anti-aircraft fire (7)
14 Boy, were doctors raised
on Roger Moore! (7)
15 Sugar licensee has a string
of clove suppliers? (6)
17 As far as I’m concerned,
having a silver filling
designates a complete
louse (5)
19 Fly around lower west side to
get connected with a star (5)
21 Ignore the odd greasy fish (3) Get in touch
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