A sinistra, il Clean Ocean
Limited Edition (2mila
esemplari). Cassa di
39,50mm in acciaio e
impermeabilità a 300
metri (2.050 euro). Sotto
l’avveniristica piattaforma
sviluppata dal Pacific
Garbage Screening per
riciclare i rifiuti plastici.
Left, the Clean Ocean
Limited Edition (2,000
examples). It features a
39.5 mm stainless steel
case and is waterproof at up
to 300 metres (2,050 euro).
Below, the futuristic
platform developed by Pacific
Garbage Screening for
recycling plastic waste.
By 2050 the oceans will contain more plastic
than fish, while the increase in the sea’s temper-
ature is disastrous for coral reefs. Time is run-
ning out and we need to take effective action.
This is precisely what Oris is doing, as Rolf Stud-
er, the Maison’s Joint Executive Officer, explains
in this interview:
The River Rhine played a key role in the
Source of Life project in 2018. Now it’s the
turn of the oceans. Does the environment
have an important part to play in your phi-
Water is life. Last year’s initiative was designed
to bring attention to the health of our water
sources. The origin of the Rhine is in Switzer-
land. It then flows through Basel towards Hol-
stein, where we have our manufacture. But our
interest in the environment isn’t just related to
the product. Over the years, our range of watch-
Saving the Sea
The Oris Ocean Trilogy is a project
designed to take effective action to save
the marine environment