Mentors Magazine: Issue 3

(MENTORSMagazine) #1

because they had no other ideas, who are
doing well.

And the wonderful thing is, these make 16
times... imagine what difference it would
make in your life, if you were earning 16
times what you are earning today? And so,
I started to really deep dive in to business
model reinvention, and I took the recipe
and I pulled the parts apart and I found
that there is a series of things that you
need to question. And one of the things
that really affected me when I was a young
man, is always be open to the possibility
that you could be wrong. Always be open
to the possibility that you could be wrong.
Because its falling in love with being right,
that causes people to fail.

Harvard Magazine interviewed the 500
CEO's of the top companies in a major, ma-
jor annual business model innovation study
for their companies, they found that 80%
of company owners, presidents, the CEO's
of the biggest companies in the world, ad-
mit that their business model is obsolete.
But they say, 'why don't you change it?'
And they say, 'well I don't know how, and I
don't want to create something worse; out
of the pan, in to the fire.' And so, what if
your business model is not working, what
are you going to do? He said, 'well I am go-
ing to retire fairly soon'. And they said this
over and over again, in interviewing the
CEO's. They said, 'well I will pass it on to
the next person, my successor can take
care of the business model.'

Well the fact is that if you are going to have
a long run at your job or your company, if

you own your own company, you have to
take care of it yourself. So that is the
starting point, and there is several ingredi-

I do two seminars by the way; one seminar
is called Business model innovation - the
two-day version...or business model re-
invention; and then I have a one-day ver-
sion. The one-day version has seven parts
to the business model and the two-day ver-
sion has ten parts. And what I do is I ex-
plain, almost like an accordion spreading

And so, the starting point... let me just step
back. When I speak to an audience, and I
speak to a 100 audiences a year, all over
the world, the first question I ask, is I say,
'why do you get up in the morning and go
to work?' Just a sort of a fun question, 'why
do you get up in the morning and go to
work?' And the audience is usually si-
lenced. They sort of smile and look at each
other, and they mumble. And I say, 'well, I
will tell you the answer, the answer is you
get up in the morning and go to work, so
that you can make more money.' You want
to make more money, you don't want to
make the same amount of money, and you
don't want to make less money, you want
to make more money. Is that correct? And
everybody smiles and agrees and nods
their head 'yep that's it.'

So, we are all on the same page. And so, I
said, 'now, when you get your work, there
you are at work, there you are in your busi-
ness, how do you make more money?
What is the key? How do you make mon-
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