Mentors Magazine: Issue 3

(MENTORSMagazine) #1

success because so many people have al-
ready used these ideas. That’s what we do.
So, if someone says, 'what do you do?' You
say, 'oh I help companies dramatically in-
crease their sales and their profitability.'
That’s it. That’s basically your business
model. And everything that you do is look-
ing for ways or people like me who can give
ideas that will help business owners in-
crease their sales and profitability. SMS so
that they can MMM. Really simple.

So, one of the things that I will do, is I will
say, 'do you agree with that?' and every-
body always agrees. I have a wonderful
rapport with my audience, I say, 'now so
the only time you are working, is when?'
Well the only time you are working is when
you are SMS-ing. If you are not talking to a
prospect, or a customer and looking for
ways to help them with your product or
service, if you are not selling... and I say in
selling, there is also a golden triangle. And
its prospecting, presenting, and closing. Its
finding new people to talk to, it’s telling
them about your product or service and
how it can help them improve the quality
of their life or work, and them asking them
to take action to buy from you.

So therefore, the only time you are work-
ing is when you are SMS-ing, and the only
time you are SMS-ing, is when you're pro-
specting, presenting and closing. If you are
not doing that, if you are in the office or
you are talking to your friends, if you are
going for a coffee or tea or whatever it
happens to be, then you are not working
and you might as well go home and pull
the covers up over your head, and go back

to sleep. Because, you are of no use to any-
body. And when I say that, everybody
laughs because it is funny, because people
easily get in to the habit of going to work
and chatting with their friends. And as
much as 50% of working time today is
wasted, and the biggest reason for time
wastage is idle chit chat with your co-
workers. And then of course there is coffee
and checking your emails and there is
reading the newspaper and going out for
lunch and starting late and leaving early
and so on.

So, I talk about business separately in
terms of personal productivity, but the fact
is that when you start work, there is a very
simple solution to all of your problems and
it is to work all the time you work. Work all
the time you work. When you go to work,
work. Go a little bit earlier, work a little bit
harder, stay a little bit later and work all
the time you work. Don't chit chat with
your friends, don't dawdle over lunch or
tea or something like that... is just work.

And the only time you are working is when
you are face-to-face with customers. So
therefore, start off with what is the differ-
ence and who can most benefit from the
change that I could bring about with this
customer, with my product or service?

Who is the customer? And then I go
through a demographic analysis. What is
their age? What is their income? What is
their occupation? What is their education?
What is their family style? What is their
family information and so on? So that we
look at all these things and we say alright,
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