Mentors Magazine: Issue 3

(MENTORSMagazine) #1

Anyway, let me just throw it back to you,
have you got any comments?

Neil: Is business model reinvention some-
thing that you do all of the time, or is it
something that you do some of the time?

Brian Tracy: Yes, its continuous. As a matter
of fact, I have created as I told you, a one
and two-day programme. But I also have a
one and two-day programme on personal
model reinvention; is each person has to
be continually reinventing themselves,
based on the changes that are taking place
in the world around them.

You get married, you have a child, you start
a business, you introduce a new product or
service, in every one of these cases, you
need to make a massive shift in your busi-
ness model. Because it’s going to require
different things that you need to do in
different proportions, and in different ways
in order to be successful, in order to be

So yes, it’s an ongoing never-ending pro-
cess is to find a way to SMS so you can
MMM. And the question is, how are you
doing? How is it going for you? And it’s a
wonderful question because you can tell if
you have a good business model, because
you are selling all you want, you are mak-
ing more money than you ever dreamed
possible. And if you are not, well then what
we do is, we organise it, sit down and we
look at it. Number one, it’s always WHO?

Forbes Magazine had a study last year and

they said, that 80% of the reason why com-
panies fail is because people simply do not
want their product. They just don't want
the product. They may have wanted it in
the past, but now what they want is differ-
ent from what you are offering. And if
that's the case, you can advertise and you
can re-package and you can aggressively
sell and market and everything else. It's
not going to do a darn bit of good, if cus-
tomers do not want the product. So that
means customers don't want the change
that your product or service will bring
about in their lives and their work.

The second part of the golden triangle is
WHO? So, start with WHAT? WHAT is your
product? And then WHO? WHO is your
customer? And you go through all of the
details. Who is the customer? who is the
person who is most likely to buy from me
the fastest? And you spend all of your time
focused on your very best potential cus-

And the third part of the triangle is HOW.
HOW do you market? HOW do you sell?
HOW do advertise? HOW do you promote?
HOW do you find the very best customers
for you? HOW do you approach them?
HOW do you speak to them? HOW do you
talk to them? And HOW do you get them
to make a buying decision?

When I started my career many years ago, I
was speaking on personal success/ person-
al development and more and more of my
clients would say, 'this programme is a
wonderful programme but do you have an-
ything on sales? On sales success?' So, I sat
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