Mentors Magazine: Issue 3

(MENTORSMagazine) #1

guages; psychology of selling.

And then I produced a programme called
'The Art of Closing the Sale' all of these are
available on AMAZON by the way. And the
art of closing the sale is just HOW do you
ask the person to make a decision? It’s not
high pressure, it’s very friendly, and it’s just
asking the customer 'if you like what I've
shown you so far, when would you like to
get started? How soon would you like to
get started?’ And it’s a series of ways of
very gently and very professionally asking
the customer to make a decision so that he
or she can begin enjoying the benefits of
your product or service.

And so, it’s a great problem in selling, not
only in the UK but everywhere. The sales
people are so afraid of selling, they are so

afraid of rejection, they are so afraid that
the person would say 'NO, I don't want it
or something else.' And so, they freeze up.
And when I teach people how to do... is
how to design the presentations, so that
the closing is a normal and natural part of
the process. And it just flows together at
the end. And people actually increase their
sales, and they double them within a week,
they increase them five or ten times within
a year, especially if they are learning how
to sell properly.

In fact, I have a good friend who is from
London who got my book, it’s called
'Advanced Selling Strategies' and he
bought it and he was selling on the street,
Door-to-Door in London, and he fell in love
with the book. Because the book is quite
extraordinary, probably the best book ever
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