Mentors Magazine: Issue 3

(MENTORSMagazine) #1

written on selling. And he literally just went
on fire, he became the best salesman in his
company. He was hired by one of the big-
gest internet companies, in the world. He
was made a vice-president, and then he
has moved to San Francisco... And then in
San Francisco they made him a senior exec-
utive, at a salary that was hundreds of
thousands of pounds or dollars, beyond an-
ything he ever dreamed possible. And he
said, 'it was just the sales techniques'. They
said basically 'whatever you are doing, to
achieve that level of sales, show our peo-
ple how to do it as well.' And he did and
they did.

So that’s been my major focus is to help
people with the practical tools. WHAT is it
that you sell? WHO do you sell it to? And
HOW do you sell it?

And then there is a whole series of others,
there is your competition. Is WHO are your
competitors? If people don't buy your
product, WHAT product do they buy and
WHY? And WHAT is it that people see in
your competitors that they don't see in
your product or service, and HOW could
you change your product or service so that
its more attractive in the perception of
your customer than it is now? And so on.

So, there is about ten of those and what I
would recommend a person who is inter-
ested in this, just go to AMAZON and go on
to business model innovation. In fact, I
read all the time, I just got this book last
week, no a few weeks ago, and it’s called
'On Business Model Innovation,''s
'Business Model Innovation' it’s from Har-

vard Business School. And what Harvard
Business School, did is they took the ten
best articles on business model innova-
tion... which is different from mine, which
is business model reinvention... and they
put it together and this’s beautiful,
it’s a series of diamonds, gems, that just
get your eyes to open up and you go WOW.
Just one good idea can transform your
business forever.

Neil: Over the years, I have interviewed so
many entrepreneurs and one of the things
I have found that’s very, very common, is
so many of them are scared of selling.
Why do you think it is that so many are
afraid of selling?

Brian Tracy: Well when I began to study hu-
man development, I found that human be-
ings have unlimited potential and they are
born with no fears except two fears which
they develop. The fear of failure and the
fear of rejection.
The fear of failure is the greatest single rea-
son for failure in adult life, is that we are
afraid that we will lose our time or lose our
money or it won't work or I won't be suc-
cessful. And we become overwhelmed
with the possibility of failing and then we
paralyze like a deer in the headlights. And
that’s number one. So, we have to over-
come the fear of failure.

The second fear, and especially in selling, is
the fear of rejection. The fear that some-
body will say no or reject you, or tell you
that they are not interested in some way.
And every single thing that happens to you
affects your self-esteem, in that it either
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