Mentors Magazine: Issue 3

(MENTORSMagazine) #1

you look for excuses, and you avoid it, you
hang around in the office, rather than go-
ing out and calling on new prospective cus-
tomers, the fear gets bigger and bigger and
bigger. And pretty soon you are just pre-
occupied with the fear, that’s all you think
about is the fear. And what you do, the an-
swer is always, do the thing you fear. Do
the thing you fear, and the death of fear is

When you become completely unafraid to
sell... and what is the major reason by the
way... you are hitting a lot of the right
buttons... The major reason why people
are afraid to sell is because they haven't
learned how. That's the reason no doubt...

I mean think of the first time you drove a
car, sometimes I joke with you, remember
when you drove a car, the person who was
teaching you and there you are behind the
wheel, and they are telling you, 'go slower,

go faster, change the gear and so on.' Re-
member how panicked you were when you
were driving the car? You were slamming
on the brakes, and stepping on the gas, and
stopping and jerking and going over the
kerb and everything else. And you were so
nervous, but you were so determined to
learn, that you finally did and now you can
drive from one end of the country to the
other and not even think about it. You have
no fears at all, because know you have
learned the skill.

The reason why people are unsuccessful in
selling is that they have not learned the
skill. And they learn the skill... it’s a very
simple way is learn and do, learn and do,
learn and do, practise. Is, learn the skill and
practise it. Learn a new idea do; a new way
to approach a customer well practise it 10

When I began selling, I would say basically I
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