Mentors Magazine: Issue 3

(MENTORSMagazine) #1

to do to get all your business, not just a
little bit of your business, but just to get all
your business? What do I have to do more
of, less of, start or stop? What do I have to
change to get all your business?' And it was
a great question, and I never forgot it and I
said 'well if you would do this and this and
this and this, I would give you all my busi-
ness.' And he said, 'ok, I will do all those
things.' And so, I tried him out, and he de-
livered. And for the next ten years, I pat-
ronised his business and spent an enor-
mous amount of money with his business,
because he delivered and he continued to
deliver, he moved away and his company
became huge.

But ask your customers, “what do I have to
do to get all your business? Not just a little
bit but all your business?” Over and over.

Peter Drucker... this is what I teach is... you
have three goals in life, as a business per-
son. The first is to make the first sale, you
can't do anything unless you make the first
sale. Second is, to make the second sale to
the same customer because they were so
happy with the first sale that they came
back to buy more. And the third goal is to
have them bring their friends and associ-
ates and tell other people to buy from you
as well.

So, it’s 123, 123. Sell, the first sale. Second,
make the customer soooo happy that they
buy from you again. And then get the cus-
tomers so happy that they bring their
friends. And all successful companies do
the big three. Make the sale, make the sale
again because the customer is happy, and

then bring their friends.

We could talk all day by the way, ha ha ha,
if you have noticed.

Neil: Where can people find out more
about business model reinvention?

Brian Tracy: Just go to my website which is And we have just started a
goal-setting programme’s available
at no charge. We have a goal-setting pro-
gramme that you pay for, but there is a
simple goal-setting programme that is free.
And there is a lot of resources, that are
free at And what I would
suggest that people start with is goal-
setting, and that takes you through a pro-
cess where you determine exactly what
your goals are in each part of your life, you
organise your goals by priority, you develop
a plan to achieve your most important
goals, you organise those steps by priority
and then you work on the steps every sin-
gle day. And what it does is it will save you
five to ten years of hard work getting to the
same place.

Neil: Thank you for a fantastic interview
Brian, we really appreciate you providing
all this great information about business
model reinvention, talking about selling,
and giving us some great examples as well
and many other things you have talked
about. Just such great value, and I know
that our readers will really benefit from
what you've had to say today.

Brian Tracy: Thank you, wonderful to see
you Neil.
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