Mentors Magazine: Issue 3

(MENTORSMagazine) #1

grow. Growth is not automatic; it must be

pursued. We don’t become better over

time except through intentional choices

and efforts.

The Benefits of a Mentoring Mindset

A mentoring mindset creates multiplication

in the area of expertise you are studying.

Through a solid mentoring relationship,

you can exponentially increase your

knowledge with exposure to others who

might expand that knowledge even further.

Your mentor likely had a mentor or two, or

three who helped them gain their

knowledge. Through your mentor, you gain

access to the expertise and experience of

others you otherwise would not. A men-

toring mindset will also cause you to seek

out those with higher level of success, not

just experience.

A mentoring mindset generates accelera-

tion in your lane of pursuit. While others

are slowed down by the potholes and

pitfalls in life, you put yourself in a position

to avoid those mistakes—able to com-

pound your success. Mentors can help you

be on guard against challenges others may

encounter and be prepared for them if

they do come your way.

A mentoring mindset creates opportunities

for promotion. Your increase in knowledge

and competency will be noticed. You will

stand out from the crowd in a positive way.

People of power, position, and prosperity

are always on the lookout for those who
demonstrate dedication to improving their

A mentoring mindset is an intentional deci-
sion to leverage the knowledge and exper-
tise of others. It begins with an attitude of
humility. It develops further when you ask
yourself questions about what you know
and what you need to know to achieve the
next level of success in any chosen endeav-
or. Legendary UCLA basketball coach, John
Wooden says it like this: “It’s what you
learn after you know it all that counts.”
What would take you to the next level in
your business or personal life? Up to this
point in your life, everything you’ve
learned has come through others, maybe
accidentally. With a shift in mindset to be-
coming intentional about who you seek out
to mentor you, you can grow faster,
achieve more, and reach more of your po-
tential than you ever dreamed. Developing
a mentoring mindset will blow the lid of off
your potential and open an entirely new
world to you.

Once you’ve defined your objective, ask
yourself who you know directly or through
others that you could reach out to for help.
Who you learn from is as important as
what you learn. Leadership expert John
Maxwell says that many people are getting
advice from travel agents vs. tour guides.
What’s the difference? Travel agents are
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