Mentors Magazine: Issue 3

(MENTORSMagazine) #1

great at giving advice where tour guides

have actually been where you want to go.

Once you’ve determined that you would

like to have a mentor and what you would

like to be mentored on, you will

be open to attracting the

right mentors. With any

area of pursuit, problem,

or desire you are never

more than one person

away from a breakthrough.

To appeal to great mentors,

you must demonstrate that you

are a good mentee.

The Qualities of a Good Mentee

When your preference is to develop a di-

rect relationship with a mentor, there are

two important elements to consider. First,

determine who has the knowledge and ex-

pertise you desire and is open to mentor-

ing you. Second, what is it about you that

will attract the best mentors for your

needs? It’s vital that you develop and

demonstrate the qualities of a good

mentee, if you want to have great mentors.

Here are a few qualities that will cause a

mentor to gravitate toward you.

Develop a personal growth strategy be-

yond the topic for which you seek mentor-

ship. Work on your character as much as

you work on your skill development. This

will show the mentor that you are willing

to put in the work even on your own.

Make a specific commitment of the
amount of time you will dedicate to im-
provement each week. Those who have
achieved greatness in any field are rarely
loose with their time. They will be attract-
ed to proteges who demon-
strate commitment.

Become a true student. Be
teachable. Be willing to
take action even when you
don’t fully understand all
of what’s been presented
to you. When you find a good
mentor, you show that you trust them by
following their advice!

Be hungry but don’t be a parasite. Under-
stand your motives and those of your men-
tor. Demonstrate appreciation for every
lesson imparted, even if it doesn’t provide
the exact results you wanted.

Be a focused listener. Hearing is an auto-
matic activity that one can’t turn on or off.
But listening is an activity we can intention-
ally choose to turn on and tune in or turn
off and tune out. The ear hears regardless
of what we are focused on, but listening is
a choice. Don’t just hear but heed what
your mentor shares with you.

Be disciplined. Prepare for every meeting
with your mentor. Doing so makes for a
more robust meeting. Don’t ask questions
that are answered in the mentor’s book or

Become a true

student. Be


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