Mentors Magazine: Issue 3

(MENTORSMagazine) #1

on their blog. Go deeper. Become excellent
at asking questions pertinent to your

Provide feedback and request clarity. Suc-
cessful mentoring is not just about sitting
at the feet of someone who has earned
greater success than you. It’s a mutually
beneficial relationship with a desire for
achievement on both sides. Everyone
wants what’s in the mentor’s hands, but
few want to learn and develop what’s in
the mentor’s heart.

Mentorship allows you to stand on the
shoulders of those who are ahead of you
on your chosen path. Their guidance allows
you to see farther ahead than you could on
your own. Tapping into a mentor’s exper-
tise grants you opportunities to acquire
wisdom that comes from experience.

Regardless of where you are on the success
curve as an employee, executive, or entre-
preneur, mentorship can help you avoid
mistakes and accelerate success. Mentors

can be people you work with, work for, ad-
mire, are across the street (a competitor),
or someone you cold call and ask for some
of their time each week or month.

If you think back to the people who made
the biggest impact in your life, they were
mentors to you. Imagine what will happen
when you make mentorship intentional
and not accidental. How would your life be
different if you had access to expert advice
for your profession, for every problem you
are facing, for the area in which you desire
most to grow?

Smart people learn from the mistakes of
others. Wise people learn from other peo-
ple’s successes. Set the stage for yourself
to take advantage of the tremendous op-
tion of being mentored. If you don’t know
where to begin, online book stores and
those close by are filled with experiences
written by thousands of experts ready to
share with you their sagely advice. So, who
will be your next mentor?

Scott Hogle is a Senior Vice President of Sales at iHeart Media with

over 25 years of experience in developing sellers, leaders, and client

relationships. He is the author of the best-selling book, “Persuade:

The 7 Empowering Laws of the SalesMaker,” and an authoritative

speaker who helps sales organizations create better relationships

with clients and grow their businesses.

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