Mentors Magazine: Issue 3

(MENTORSMagazine) #1

neur or a business owner there is still

much to learn. Of course, there is more

than one way to learn what we need to

know. We can learn it on our own through

making mistakes in our business; some-

times this route can have fatal consequenc-

es on our businesses. Or we can learn from

other entrepreneurs through a coach or a

mentor or an advisory board or even a

mastermind. This type of source of learn-

ing has its place for an entrepreneur how-

ever these people are not al-

ways going to be

available when we

have to make vital

decisions at every

stage of the journey.

It is better to learn

to be a good entre-

preneur wherever

possible in advance

of challenges that

may arise in running a business day-to-day.

Of course, some of this learning can come

from other successful entrepreneurs who

have done it before. But we can also learn

a lot by reading books.

Reading is the best way of vicariously

learning. We don’t always have to make

the mistakes ourselves and we don’t al-

ways have to do everything by trial and er-

ror. It is so much better to learn from other

people who have done what we have done

or we have not done. Reading allows us to
stand on the shoulders of giants and learn
from people who have triumphed against
the odds and overcome huge challenges
and become successful.

Obviously, we have to be selective about
what we read. We can’t read trashy novels
and expect to get any real benefit from
them for our businesses; other than transi-
tory entertainment. So, we should make
sure that we read relevant books that are
educational – books that other entrepre-
neurs and business
owners read. We
can also read the
biographies of other
successful entrepre-
neurs to find inspi-
ration, motivation,
ideas and so much

Books help us in so
many ways to succeed as an entrepreneur.
They can be a source of inspiration, devel-
op skills, and provide tips and business
strategies. They can help us to become suc-
cessful by providing the right knowledge,
new ways of thinking, new insights and
help us to develop necessary skills. Reading
can also influence the way that we do busi-
ness through personal development and
leadership skills. We can get a lot of new
ideas and tips allowing us to have multiple

we learn from the

successes of other

entrepreneurs but we

can also learn a huge amount

from the failures of other


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