Mentors Magazine: Issue 3

(MENTORSMagazine) #1

for both of their last names, Kendall


Yes, when Jess passed away, Forbes

magazine said his net worth exceed-

ed two billion dollars. Jess also told

me he didn’t believe

in circumstances. He

said he found his cir-

cumstances or made

them, always with

the expectation of

something great.

Another friend of mine grew up in

the same part of rural Kansas as me.

She told me she worked at the Dairy

Queen in my hometown (Hutchinson)

to pay her way through junior college.

I asked her “When you were 18 work-

ing in the DQ in Hutchinson, what did

you expect your life to be like when

you were 35. That’s how old she was

when I met her. She said something

very similar to Jess, that she had

great belief and expectations in her

personal success. That woman was

Martina McBride.

I always think if either of these peo-

ple would have told their co-workers

about their expectations that they

would have gotten a discouraging
word. I can just see Martina’s co-
workers at the Dairy Queen saying
“That’s nice, but we got to make
more dip cones.”

There is one thing
that no employer,
friend or your family
can control, that’s
your ability to “think
big”. You can think as
big as you’d like and
you can make your expectations
come true. It starts with your own be-
lief system.

During my entire career, I’ve heard
this over and over again, “What the
mind can conceive and believe it can
achieve.” I believe it! There is a law
of the universe that says, “What you
ardently believe and act upon, you
can achieve.” The operative word in
both of these bits of wisdom are be-
lief and action. Start today believing
in the home run. Where you are to-
day has nothing to do with where
you can be. As I’ve said before, don’t
look in the rearview mirror, you
aren’t going that way.

“You can think as big as

you’d like and you can

make your expectations

come true”

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