Mentors Magazine: Issue 3

(MENTORSMagazine) #1

Neil: Thank you for providing the interview

Noah: You bet, it’s my pleasure.

Neil: Noah, can you provide us with some
more insight into your business and per-
sonal life to allow us to get to know more
about what you do, and who you are?

Noah: Well thanks Neil, I mean really, I
have been online since 1997 so I am one of
the old guys, in this industry, I started
many, many years ago when we still had
dial-up. In fact, I am seven months older
than Facebook believe it or not.

So, I have been doing this a long, long time
and now I have had the privilege of work-
ing and helping thousands of... well tens of
thousands of entrepreneurs in over 140
countries around the world. And for those
of you who are just starting out, or even if
you have been doing this for a while, I am
sure you all know about how exciting it is
to get orders from people around the
world. I mean sometimes even countries
that I have never heard of, and you have to
look at 'where is that?' I have never even
heard of that. And boy that’s so exciting,
there is just nothing like it, to know that
you are touching lives all around the world.

So really
our mission at, that’s the
name of my company,, is
to empower and really help small business
owners get unstuck, find their voice and
automate their business. So that’s our
three... we call it the three prongs of our
mission, 1) get unstuck, 2) find your voice,
3) and automate your business.

And our mission, our big, big picture is to
help 10,000 small business owners double
their performance and profits. So really
that’s kind of like the big picture Neil.

Neil: So, in your bio, you talk about, you
are known as the ‘Power of Habit’s Men-
tor’. How have you managed to get that
accolade and what is that about?

Noah: I developed a system, many years
ago that is now called ‘The Power Habit
System’. And basically, what I teach is the
‘Power Habits’ of unconsciously successful
people. Now I know that is kind of a
mouthful, but what it basically means is
there are people that I call the naturals of
success, they are often called like the top
2%, and they are just... and I am sure we all
know someone like that, it’s like everything
they touch seems to turn to gold. And
when you talk to them it’s kind of frus-
trating because they are like 'yes' or maybe

Interview by Neil Ball

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